Nice update! Thanks 

Effects of mistake that I did while merging it with Shitface's NPC Behaviour. xDDD
Oops, sorry. Moving it now.That belongs in the modding mishaps thread.
I found it out, I just posted picture because it's funny.Since this modification changes the commonly-used character and character_definitions tables I decided to make my own altered spawner, so that you'll be able to enjoy this mod independently. What you see here is the wrong character definition used for saints_female_pollys. I don't recommend merging it because it's complicated, but if you do, you should make sure that the definitions used for all the characters named as str2 files have similar changes.
Nope, it's just great.Thank you so much! Do you guys have any suggestions or criticism you'd like to express? I'm wondering what you guys think about Enhanced Gang so far.