Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

I've been trying to decode the texture files and I've had some success. No tools at the moment. Once I get my head around the format of the header of a DDS file I should be able to write one. Anyway during my testing I managed to hack together a loading splash screen for your mod compilation. Would you be interested? Here a piccy:


I've attached the modified screens (both US and rest of the world) to this posting.


Extremely cool, and I would love to include it! :D
Just in case my idea appeals to anyone who hasn't completed the main missions yet, I plan on installing Gentlemen of Steelport once I have finally completed the final mission, partly to make playing with the mod more stable, but also to make it like a special reward for the effort of completing the campaign.
Just in case my idea appeals to anyone who hasn't completed the main missions yet, I plan on installing Gentlemen of Steelport once I have finally completed the final mission, partly to make playing with the mod more stable, but also to make it like a special reward for the effort of completing the campaign.

Except that would actually make it less stable. The mission replay mod can screw up and not work for some missions if it isn't installed while playing through the first time.
Except that would actually make it less stable. The mission replay mod can screw up and not work for some missions if it isn't installed while playing through the first time.

Do you have any plans on fixing that problem with the mission replay mod? I do want to install Gentlemen of Steelport, but if it's going to make the game unstable, I'll just wait for an update, because I like a game with less content that I can play for 2 hours straight more than a game I can play for 2 minutes straight.
If you're crashing every 2 minutes with GoS then you have serious issues outside the mod. It's completely 100% as stable as vanilla for everyone else that I've talked to; including me.
Well, I've installed GoS after 100%-ing vanilla and haven't really ran into any serious issues, so it may be worth a shot if you can bear a couple of oddities here and there.

edit: goddamnit, Idol, stop ninja-ing me :V
Thanks for the answer, and I haven't even tried GoS yet, I was simply saying that i've had enough problems with games being unstable. I like modding, I just don't like it when it breaks a game. If GoS is as stable as vanilla SR3, then I'm not worried about it. I do after all, have a pretty powerful computer (I can play most graphic intensive games at maximum graphics).
GoS by default only selects a set of core mods that are completely stable with both the open world and missions. It is designed to be used by a brand new player to the game and installed at the very start. These core mods are things that enhance the game and don't replace anything; for example mission replay, customizing all vehicles, extra clothing items for sale, extra colors, ability to change clothing color at the wardrobe, additional cheats, and bugfixes.

There are many other optional mods included in GoS as well. These optional mods are also inherently stable, and the GoS installer checks to make sure there are no incompatibilities with selections. Many of these extra mods are a matter of personal preference, like extended customization sliders, or removing the sticky camera recentering for keyboard and mouse users.

The bottom line is that you're worrying for nothing. Install GoS and use the core mods along with any other optional mods to suit your taste.
I'll just add that the game itself on my system has been very stable (played since December).
More so than many other games.
I've not encountered any instability I could attribute to GoSR or other mods. However it is possible
to use a mod that is outdated and will cause the game to not launch, or a mod that is in conflict
and cause same.
THose are exceptions though. GoSR is a comprehensive package that helps you avoid such issues and
as I've been taught, any xtbl mod you put in the game exe directory will take precedence over
compiled mods placed in the /pc/cache directory. A key point to remember.

Maybe someone should write a sticky Newbie FAQ for hand holding purposes as it can be
rough for a newcomer to know where to start and caveats.
I got to feed the cat....
(Hey, if the POTUS can get away with that, why not I?)