Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

W.... what? Why would you need a GUI to track an IP? Are they making things up now? That would waste so much time...

And besides, isn't it easier to track IP tags in cmd anyhow?

{edit} sorry for clutter about random crap, I.N. Just a little appalled... {/edit}
{edit} sorry for clutter about random crap, I.N. Just a little appalled... {/edit}

It's cool. I was a bit taken aback by that nonsense as well. Man, she says it with such conviction too. lol.
"Quick, let me design a gui in visual basic, to track the IP and display it with some animated effects, so the network executives won't go "Well, what are they doing? Why are they just watching text on a screen? There's no drama, there's just numbers on a screen. No one but geeks would understand what any of it means, this is dumb." It should only take me a few minutes tops."
(Personally I still liked that the one Matrix movie actually shows the shell and involves a portscan, and an exploit. More movies need realistic hacking)

As for the gui (the real gui, not movie-guis) do those additional tabs mean we'll be able to do some general tuning of some of the base xtbls in the GoS installer without having to supply pre-edited ones? And have it modify and spit out a working version? Now that I like. :D
As for the gui (the real gui, not movie-guis) do those additional tabs mean we'll be able to do some general tuning of some of the base xtbls in the GoS installer without having to supply pre-edited ones? And have it modify and spit out a working version? Now that I like. :D

It doesn't parse vanilla xtbl files like that. You're thinking it's some kind of editor when it's simply just a front end with the internal ability to replace certain specific lines within a file. You're not going to be able to dump in a vanilla xtbl file and do stuff with it if that's what you're looking for.
how will some of the Misc. Zones and Interiors work? Decker Barge and Ho Boat I get, but how will you be able to access the plane interiors or Mars? Warp points?

All part of the mysterious Sandbox+ tab. Turk and I will hopefully have more info to share on that soon.

Also will those "un-crib-ed" buildings be enterable from street level, like in a missions? :)

The only thing that might slow you down are the locked doors that are scripted to be open-able during a mission. A fully charged up shot from the sonic gun will open up any locked door though. :)
War Raichu said:
how will some of the Misc. Zones and Interiors work? Decker Barge and Ho Boat I get, but how will you be able to access the plane interiors or Mars? Warp points?
IdolNinja said:
All part of the mysterious Sandbox+ tab. Turk and I will hopefully have more info to share on that soon.

Ok, before now I was thinking "Ooh this will be a fun pack, much like GotR. Well, nothing to do but wait."
Now I'm thinking "Wow, if he's implying what I think he just did, I'm tempted to ask "when will it be done?" even if I know the answer is "When it is". Nothing to do but wait, but expectantly!"

A hot new gui (with some quick in-gui tuning of a few xtbls when I prep the mod, so I can do it all at once!) AND expanded configurable sandbox play through those neat interiors that somehow never show up past the one mission? Oh hell YES.:cool: