Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

What you're doing wrong is not reading and understanding what mods you're installing. You need to go into advanced mode and then into each submenu and manually select what individual mods you want to include. All that you're doing is building the default core mods which are very subtle changes and bugfixes. Also, if you're expecting new vehicles and weapons then you are probably going to be severely disappointed. None of that exists, and won't until we can figure out the mesh format and create tools to work with it.

ok,i'll try again...and,no new vehicles? no problem,my car is already the best one x)
ok,now it's working...but...i've an issue: the skirt and the t-shirt are noclipping... O.o

And,if i install the Sandbox+ mod,would it conflict with anything?

and,BTW...about the clipping issue...i've selected extended sliders,more compliments/taunts,sticky camera,increased FOV,removed tutorial pop-ups...
ok,now it's working...but...i've an issue: the skirt and the t-shirt are noclipping... o_O

And,if i install the Sandbox+ mod,would it conflict with anything?

and,BTW...about the clipping issue...i've selected extended sliders,more compliments/taunts,sticky camera,increased FOV,removed tutorial pop-ups...

Extended sliders will absolutely cause clipping issues by its very nature.
I've ran into a bit of a problem with the mod myself...
Choosing the patch method, nothing changes ingame at all. However using the loose mod method turns my character a tad bit grotesque (like the face generating messed up), and also there is no visible inerface. Bringing up the phone/crib/main menu gets me stuck, like the menu was invisible, and I cannot go back to the game.
Any idea what might be causing that? I'm new to SR3 modding, and fairly confused about the whole thing.
Also, another question if I may; should the patch method work, would it conflict a separately added uncensor mod, or would it work just fine? Because using the loose mod method, an uncensor mod surely would be a problem.
I've ran into a bit of a problem with the mod myself...
Choosing the patch method, nothing changes ingame at all. However using the loose mod method turns my character a tad bit grotesque (like the face generating messed up), and also there is no visible inerface. Bringing up the phone/crib/main menu gets me stuck, like the menu was invisible, and I cannot go back to the game.
Any idea what might be causing that? I'm new to SR3 modding, and fairly confused about the whole thing.
Also, another question if I may; should the patch method work, would it conflict a separately added uncensor mod, or would it work just fine? Because using the loose mod method, an uncensor mod surely would be a problem.

Are you running the Steam version of the game?
Are you running the Steam version of the game?
No, unfortunately not. I bought a boxed version of the game from a local shop in my country, and there's no Steam support for it, much like a lot of games here...
I was thinking about getting it via Steam during the summer sale, though.
No, unfortunately not. I bought a boxed version of the game from a local shop in my country, and there's no Steam support for it, much like a lot of games here...
I was thinking about getting it via Steam during the summer sale, though.
All SR3-Retail versions are STEAM Versions.

Official THQ FAQ for SR3
Q. What is the possibility of a version of Saints Row: The Third being released that does not contain Steamworks integration?
A. Much of Saints Row: The Third’s framework is built around Steamworks. There are no current plans to ever release a version without that integration.

All other versions are Piracy.

Forum Rule #2:
No piracy - including DLC piracy. This is a permaban on first offense.

I hope you had a nice time here.
Most of the mods on this site will only work correctly with the fully patched legal Steam version of SRTT. Pirates just never learn.