Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

I've got a bit of a problem... I recently got GoS and got all of the mods I wanted selected, it made the build. But when I went to see where it said it left it's files, nothing was there. So for some reason, when it's all done doing it's thing, I go check "MY_CUSTOM_SR3_MODS" And it said it put some new files in there, the files aren't there, UNLESS I'm rlly confused and it already does the replacing without me knowing. So if I could just get some details on whats happening I'd really appreciate it. ^_^
You're looking in the right place. The mods will be built and placed there. If you choose loose it will be a whole bunch of files. If you choose patch it will only have 2 vpp_pc archives.

Are you 100% certain that are using it correctly? Did you press P (patch) or L (loose) from the main menu after selecting all your mods?
I've done the install before and it worked, but that was a while back and it hasn't changed much other than a good amount of awesome new features. So yes, I'm most likely 99% sure that I am doing it right.

Well I just tried doing the loose mod collection this time since I've always stuck with the neat and small 2 files, the loose mods have showed up in the appropriate folder but even in gameplay, nothing changes if I put them all within the packfiles/pc/cache folder. Either my game is rejecting that the mod files are there or something else is wrong, And yes I do have the updated Steam version of Saints Row the Third.

Merged by Minimaul: Don't double post, use the edit button.
Loose files go in the root of your SRTT install with the exe, and not in the /cache folder.
Oh.. ok, I'll try that later... I am reinstalling SR3 to see if that fixes anything, I'd still prefer using the patch option but if I HAVE TO go with the loose collection I will..

So I guess re-installing the game made everything better, though I still don't know what could have caused this in the first place since I only had Shitfaces weather enhancer + time rotation before this.

Merged by Minimaul: Don't double post, use the edit button.
Just a quick question, played the hell out of SR3 the first few months of launch and recently picked it up again in combination with a few of the Xmas deal DLC's and 'Gentlemen_of_Steelport_v1.0_Beta_3'.

Trying a few options out on a fresh character I seem to have a problem with any of the gang's plus one options. If I select anything in any category within the gang customization screen then leave and come back all controls with a joypad stop working, likewise M+KB goes wonky also where I can move the cursor around but cannot re-enter the styles page and can only exit the interface, gang members become invisible and additionally saving/closing/reloading the problem persists. Just wondering if anyone else encountered anything like this before and knows who/what/where/why/when/solution?

To be absolutely clear, any version of install with any version of gang's plus one seems to have this issue for me but as long as I exclude it from the patch building process the issue doesn't seem to happen.

I've tried searching the thread for gang's, controls, lockup etc along with a few other words but I'm not seeing anything so please accept my apologies if this was previously discussed or has been a mentioned things previously.
It sounds like a mod conflict of some kind. In most cases, deleting all mod files from the root of your install and verifying integrity on Steam, then reinstalling mods will fix issues like that.

Does it do the same thing if you deselect all other mods and build GoS with only GPO? Did you have any other mods installed outside of GoS that use the same files?
Hey Idolninja,

Here are the screenshots of the "shiny clothes mod" you've asked for your latest GoS compilation.


Thanks so much. It will be very handy for users of the mods to see the different looks in a preview window when they mouse hover over the option. :)
hey idol ninja, how can i get this to work with the porno and murder mod? I have the full package. thanks in advance :)

Edit: this and the sandbox+