Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

You could at least read the last few pages? That's what I did, and where I found out that IdolNinja's working on a GUI but doesn't want to make any promises as to the finished product.

Maybe I just have too much free time.
Hey, I don't know if it's just me, but the viewtopic links on the front page aren't working. Could you please take a look at it? Thanks.
Hey, I don't know if it's just me, but the viewtopic links on the front page aren't working. Could you please take a look at it? Thanks.

The opening is completely out of date and needs to be totally redone. I've been tempted off and on but figure I'll just do it once the gui is finished. In the meantime, the changelog included with GoS has all the correct info and links. Just use that for now.
The opening is completely out of date and needs to be totally redone. I've been tempted off and on but figure I'll just do it once the gui is finished. In the meantime, the changelog included with GoS has all the correct info and links. Just use that for now.
OK, thanks! Looking forward to the GUI, keep up the good work--I really appreciate modders taking the time to tinker with SRTT.
So the front page says Gibbed figured out how to add tattoos instead of replacing them. Any chance you'll add the 190 tats by JediDave?

Also, could you extend the sex appeal slider as well?
Yes, almost every release you see on the forum is in the upcoming gui version, as of about two weeks ago.
Dont know if its a bug or something, I do not own the Nyte Blade DLC pack, but his outfit still showed up at Lets Pretend. Whats going on? I have read that NPC use whole meshes instead of clothes in SR3, so it cant be Nyte Blades clothes can it? Feels illegal :(

Not going to use it but still. I am a bit worried...
Dont know if its a bug or something, I do not own the Nyte Blade DLC pack, but his outfit still showed up at Lets Pretend. Whats going on? I have read that NPC use whole meshes instead of clothes in SR3, so it cant be Nyte Blades clothes can it? Feels illegal :(

Not going to use it but still. I am a bit worried...

That outfit is strangely not part of the dlc at all. The Nyteblade dlc is only the Bloody Cannoness outfit, the Altar boy outfit, and 2 vehicles. Take a look:

We are extremely conscientious regarding mods on the site that could potentially circumvent paid dlc. You can rest easy wearing the modded in Nyteblade outfit.
Thought it was a part of that DLC. But why didn´t Volition add it if its wearable? The other clothes that are new are from the game files too then? No illegal stuff at all?