Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

Is it a mod included in GoS that make you lose 10.000$ when you die? Or is it a recent update? (When i played 1 year ago i remember when i die i used to lose something like 500$ or 1000$... Not 10.000$)

That has nothing to do with GoS at all.
What exactly do you mean by "stopped working".
Well... It stopped working. I make my selection and nothing changes in game. Any previous weapon mods added by GoS were removed and all weapons become unavailable. It also seems that I can't select more than one mod in the weapon menu unless I select options 1 and 7. If I select anything else all other weapon mods will be deselected. But it doesn't matter what is selected because, as I said before, nothing changes in the game.
You can't use multiple weapon mods at the same time since they use the same files. This isn't a problem with GoS

Are you absolutely certain that you don't have other mods in the root of your srtt install that are overriding it? I would suggest doing the following:
1. Delete all files from the root of your SRTT install with the following extensions:

2. Verifying integrity on Steam

At this point you should be back to vanilla

3. Build a new set of mods with GoS (either patch or loose) and see if it works
You can't use multiple weapon mods at the same time since they use the same files. This isn't a problem with GoS

Are you absolutely certain that you don't have other mods in the root of your srtt install that are overriding it? I would suggest doing the following:
1. Delete all files from the root of your SRTT install with the following extensions:

2. Verifying integrity on Steam

At this point you should be back to vanilla

3. Build a new set of mods with GoS (either patch or loose) and see if it works
Oh, sorry for being a noob xD I should have known this by now... And I could've sworn I had the permanent temp weapons and eradicator at the same time. And I only have GoS now, most of the other mods I used are already there, so no extra mods.
You did have the permanent temp weapons and eradicator at the same time. All weapon mods in GoS also include permanent temp weapons merged in.
You did have the permanent temp weapons and eradicator at the same time. All weapon mods in GoS also include permanent temp weapons merged in.
And now I'm just making myself look stupid xD I suppose that's written somewhere too just to make me look like more of an idiot. But thanks for your help, Idol xD
And now I'm just making myself look stupid xD I suppose that's written somewhere too just to make me look like more of an idiot. But thanks for your help, Idol xD

Don't sweat it. The documentation isn't as clear as it should be. Just one more thing I need to clean up before the next release.
I don't wanna bother you but any heads up around when we should expect it? =P

I know it's time consuming so no rush.

When it's done.

Asking me for ETA's just ends up being annoying since I get hounded about this a lot in PM, chat, etc.

When there is news you will see it here in this thread and on my site.