Can I include the All New Character Customization mod's patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc and patch_compressed.vpp_pc files in GoS' installer, so that I could include that mod when creating a new GoS installation (instead of the other way around: including GoS' files within ANCC's installer)? If yes, where should I put those files in the GoS installer folder? Is it at 'optional_mod_stuff' » '1-MY_EXTRA_MODS'?
every time i try running Create_Custom_GoS_v1.bat it says "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH folder doesnt exist" how do i fully extract it because im using uncompress and cant figure out where the folder i need to extract it from is.
I see. Does this mean that including GoS' patch files in All New Character Customization's installer is much easier than the other way around?It doesn't work that way. You would need to add the loose files into that folder, and not patch files. It also will not work with str2_pc and asm files unless you update them separately.
I see. Does this mean that including GoS' patch files in All New Character Customization's installer is much easier than the other way around?