Gibbed tools

  • Thread starter Thread starter Minimaul
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i have a
Check packfiles\pc\cache\ in your SR3 directory. It HAS to be there to play, it's a key game file. If it's not, try verifying local integrity and then if that doesn't fix it uninstalling and re-downloading the game, if you're on steam.
Are you using Steam or another version?

(edit: Sorry, was reading forums in order bottom-up, didn't notice he'd asked the same thing another thread)
no um not using a steam version ive installed steam from a site .. is that a prob??. .O.o. .
and wot someone have no internet connection on his house?? dhn how can he verify the game if this file is missing??. .
It is kinda obvious, isn't it? And by asking "do you have steam or another version" they go "Oh, no, I'm using a different one". Click-click. BANG. Thump.

If we ever could come up with a proper natural language based filter that could identify uses of phrases like "I don't have the steam version" or "I downloaded this version" or what, and auto-ban from there... you'd have a lot less of a job, IdolNinja :p
The UpdateASM tool (Rev 96) worked fine for other asms, but for some reason, I'm getting an error when I'm trying to update decal_containers.asm_pc from decals.vpp_pc (extracted with UnpackVPP.exe). I didn't modify any of the str2_pc files mentioned in the error text (just the cpeg/gpeg_pc), and when I tried updating the asm with completely untouched vanilla files, I still got the same error:

=> 'decal_bullet_wood'
==> 'vfx_decal_bullet_wood.matlib_pc'
Error: unsupported primitive type 35 ('Material Library')

If I delete decal_bullet_wood.str2_pc for testing purposes, the error just moves to the next file:

=> 'blood_impact'
==> 'vfx_decal_blood_impact.matlib_pc'
Error: unsupported primitive type 35 ('Material Library')

Any ideas? I spent two hours on improving the decal textures and would really hate it all go to waste.
Hi, guys! I need help - where to find a better quality "killbane_head_", not a " _lod" file!

This is not good


  • Безымянный2.png
    694.9 KB · Views: 717
Thanks minimaul!, now if only someone would make vehicle editing easier by making pointers to the name of the file 'cos the attarzione is called "exotic-vehicle-9"(i think)