SRIV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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Did you read the article? I pretty clearly explain things... well, I thought so, anyway...
Specific numeric examples are hard.... :D
From what I can tell the Alien weapons work a lot like the STAG weapons do, but do you have an current opinion of the alien assault rifle, shotgun, and pistol? I'm all kinds of giddy to try them out and see what Volition has thought up, though it makes me a little sad they said there will be no models or skins for alien weapons.
So does all the alien stuff have a programming theme? Because "assert", "xor", and "void" (the names of the three alien vehicles listed) all have meanings in programming.
So does all the alien stuff have a programming theme? Because "assert", "xor", and "void" (the names of the three alien vehicles listed) all have meanings in programming.

It's a VR simulation. What did you expect?
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to, but can you TK a car that your co-op partner is driving? Also can you TK flying vehicles period? All of the footage I've seen up to this point has shown the player choosing to throw other objects at flying vehicles rather than attempting to grab them.
You cannot TK flying objects. I'm pretty sure I was able to TK a car that mini was in though.
IdolNinja, how much of the game is finalized so far? Is the game basically finished and they're just polishing things up, maybe adding some new skins, etc., or are major parts of the game still being developed and/or changed around?
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