Ideas For Saints Row 4

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Hair,Cloths, Rims, maybe a small mod tool so people can add in there own cloths, more shops god sr3 shops just suck,Bring back pimping your houses out would be a great plus.
My wishlist:

- Official mod support from devs
- Clothing customization making use of multiple layers like SR2 - undershirt, overshirt, coats etc...
- More clothing in general with less crap
- Fleshed out character body sliders, muscle/fat on separate sliders, change specific areas of body rather than global slider
- More hairstyles, especially for females
- Better car/bike sounds (something that both SR and GTA suck at), I want real sounds not synthetic ones
- Better gun sounds - again real sounds (watch the movie HEAT bank scene and you know what I mean)
- Official in car first person view with HD interior and working dials (maybe that would be a HUD option)
- First person shooting? (not too bothered but would be nice at times)
- Longer story, minus the "padding" missions (side missions)

Strongholds/Houses: I would like to see more meaningful strongholds, SR3 had a tonne of them but who cares? I would much prefer only 1 stronghold and a few houses (yes a distinction between the two) and be able to *customize* it not just upgrade it. Then have enemy gangs assault your strongholds and you can have a massive battles inside them.

Improved gang control: I want to tell gang followers to wait, move to position, attack position, attack specific person/object, wait inside car etc. Perhaps hold a button over object/position and it would give you a wheel to select orders from. I want to order them to drive me places or patrol an area in a car so I can jump in the back seat and shoot stuff or even use the gatling gun on vehicles that have them.

Also I want to be able to organize my gang properly; put these 6 guys in a specific squad and assign them this specific vehicle (from MY garage vehicle selection) and then add them onto the phone as an option to call in. The same would apply for other vehicles, I want to be able to call in a chopper full of gang members and see them get dropped off and the helicopter fly off back to the base.

Being able to have more than 3 followers at a time is also high on my wishlist. I want to have massive raging street battles between huge gangs, with reinforcements and special vehicles/abilities being called in on both sides. Call in one of your attack helicopters you have in garage and get your pilot to perform a strafing run of area/location.

More atmospheric gun battles: By this I mean a combination of drawing fights out longer, improved gun sounds (HEAT) and environmental sounds (bullet snaps, ricochets, glass shattering) being clearer and much more intense. Also vehicles shouldn't blow up simply because they get shot in the door or something, they need to last longer in general and only blow up if they get shot in a particular area (and make the chance low).
I can fix the engine sound thing for you in SRTT.

The improved gang control is a nice one. Would love to see that in SR4.

The more than 3 follower recruit thing. I can see why they didn't do that in the third, cause it would be too unfair with all those upgrades (I recruit some Deckers with sandbox+ and they seem invincible. Only blowing them in a car would kill them).
They should really add up a custom radio. Even Vice City had it, so why none of the Saints Row games do?
Because Saints Row is not any of the GTA games.
Still I would love a custom radio station to put some music in (don't know which to choose yet though).
Yeah custom radio station to read in mp3s from a folder, combined with on foot radio through the phone would be nice.

I still think that they could do much more with the street war stuff. In SR2 you would get a call regarding a territory of yours that is under attack and you have to go defend it, once you get there you then have to find a number of enemy squads or "lieutenants" and kill them while fending off waves of enemies. In SR3 you just go to a location, kill 10-15 guys and that's it; with a decent weapon and grenades you can kill all of them in about 5 seconds and take the territory. The call you get for the enemy attacks are more fun since there are multiple waves but its still confined to a very small area so you can't easily use your attack helicopter or something like that.

It would be more awesome if the territory wars were more like one of the missions right at the end of SR3 where there are massive battles dotted around the place and you have to travel between them. You could then organize your gang squads and send them off in different directions to attack/defend. If you're getting overwhelmed call in an attack chopper to strafe the area (need to have purchased a chopper and have it stored in garage) or call in some trucks loaded with soldiers... Basically more gang management/customization, maybe persistent gang members that level up/die permenantly and you have to replace them with noobs, then you could equip them with weapons/vehicles and put them into squads to be called in.

Not really so much suggestions, more of a rant :)
Because Saints Row is not any of the GTA games.
What does that mean? That GTA is a lot better when it comes to user's will and "freedom"?

I'm very sure a custom radio is actually very easy to make. As I said, even Vice City, which is old and many would consider it so primitive, they'd forget about NES, had custom radio.
No, it means that those are 2 completely different games, even though they are the same genre.
No, it means that those are 2 completely different games, even though they are the same genre.

Man, now that makes me say that they should make "Add custom radio" a RULE for this game genre. No custom radio; game will be suspended.


In my opinion they should go after Dex in the fourth but we'll just see.
That reminds me, I REALLY hope Pierce dies and leaves the protagonist alone.

Another thing, I want the protagonist to be just like in SR2, or identical; Small-time loser-lookalike who easily and rather quickly turns into a badass evil warlord, doesn't care about people's feelings, not even his own sub-leaders.

That's right Pierce, before you die, I'd love to see the protagonist abuse you some more. Instead of the protagonist singing that horrible music with him like some loving butt buddies.

Also; Less techno (That is how they called it, right?), more rock n roll. No RnR? Fine, wanksta rap.
I want large pool of clothing option, hair styles and Boob job points just like Tattoo point or Image as designed shops. Or they can add the Boob job option in Image as Designed shops. The Boob job option will enable increasing or decreasing boob size without affecting body fat or muscle, just like real world boob jobs.
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