Ideas For Saints Row 4

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I would like to see the game actually finished. Before it is released!

I am happy with the current theme, but I would like to seem some more content.
Being able to uproot a fire hydrant and go have a NPC sized game of "Ten Pin Bowling"
or being able to give NPC's/buildings a "new coat of paint" with a septic truck.

Kind of like... ...All the good qualities of SR:2 and SR:TT combined.
Know what I mean?
Yeah. SRTT feels... small. Haven't played 2, partially because of hearing about the horrible glitches on PC, but if I see it on sale, will probably pick it up and mod it, simply because of how many people here and in other places tout it as being vast and fun... and actually playable when modded.

Even moreso than the whole "unfinished" aspect, it just seems really short. A lot of my playtime's been spent customizing stuff, because I find that really fun, but considering I have a file that managed to get 100% control and a completed SaintsBook, which is the sort of thing I never wind up finishing? Something's clearly amiss >.>;

I don't want to get my hopes up about the next game, as that's just the sort of thing that can result in disappointment, but... having a lot more stuff would be nice.

And maybe more colour options for everything. Especially vehicles. I have so many cars with mildly similar paint jobs, even though I try to make them each unique. Simply because there's only so many colours, and some of them are difficult to make look decent. Have yet to make a brown car that doesn't look like crap. Heh.
- Since the teaser sows the game taking place in Steelport again, expand Steelport, just like what they did with Stillwater from the first game to the second.
- Add more weapons like in Saints Row 2. I remember SR2 having 10 or more melee weapons, 5 pistols, multiple 3 SMGs, multiple shotguns and assault rifles,... (The police nightstick defenitly should return and keep the taser as well.)
- A good mix between humor, seriousness, over the topiness and realism. Saints Row 2 was perfect. Saints Row The Third was a bit to childish and a bit TO unrealistic though with the help of this great community I was able to learn how to mod and get rid of the things that bothered me about Saints Row 4.
- Bring back planes flying over the city, boats on the water and trains on the tracks like in Saints Row 2.
- Keep the Eagle choppers dropping of law enforcers, keep the riot shielders, laser snipers etc... and make the enemies throw grenades again, like the cops threw flashbangs in SR2.
- Bring back the Saints Row 2 customisation. Having multiple layers of clothing was a nice feature, that I didn't know was so important untill I had SR3. Also the crib customisation was super in the second game.
- Keep the Saints Row 3 visuals and make some improvements (Though this is obvious and is already show in the teaser.)
- Bring back some of the other activities from SR2.

Thats a bit the most important I guess. I wasn't really happy though with the teaser trailer for SR4. If you show me that trailer without the SR IV at the end I would guess it is a DLC trailer. I feel like Saints Row is becoming more of a childish over the top franchise then a badass gang life one.
- Since the teaser sows the game taking place in Steelport again, expand Steelport, just like what they did with Stillwater from the first game to the second.
- Add more weapons like in Saints Row 2. I remember SR2 having 10 or more melee weapons, 5 pistols, multiple 3 SMGs, multiple shotguns and assault rifles,... (The police nightstick defenitly should return and keep the taser as well.)
- A good mix between humor, seriousness, over the topiness and realism. Saints Row 2 was perfect. Saints Row The Third was a bit to childish and a bit TO unrealistic though with the help of this great community I was able to learn how to mod and get rid of the things that bothered me about Saints Row 4.
- Bring back planes flying over the city, boats on the water and trains on the tracks like in Saints Row 2.
- Keep the Eagle choppers dropping of law enforcers, keep the riot shielders, laser snipers etc... and make the enemies throw grenades again, like the cops threw flashbangs in SR2.
- Bring back the Saints Row 2 customisation. Having multiple layers of clothing was a nice feature, that I didn't know was so important untill I had SR3. Also the crib customisation was super in the second game.
- Keep the Saints Row 3 visuals and make some improvements (Though this is obvious and is already show in the teaser.)
- Bring back some of the other activities from SR2.

Thats a bit the most important I guess. I wasn't really happy though with the teaser trailer for SR4. If you show me that trailer without the SR IV at the end I would guess it is a DLC trailer. I feel like Saints Row is becoming more of a childish over the top franchise then a badass gang life one.
Yea SRTT was a bit childish and had adultery at the same time like the very effective dildo, cyber blasters, all stag weapons, etc. SR should remove these childish things like the gangsters in space DLC, the dominatrix, trouble with clones DLC saints flow powers, etc. and other dumb things like the apoca-fist, bloodsucker DLC BTW where do these ideas come from like penatrator weapon I mean the Whore House was acceptable but some weapons, costumes, and vehicles are dumb. And worst of all the campaign made no sense you're supposed to kill the guy who killed your best friend instead you make a movie with him............WTF MAN!!! But yea that's all I got to say so if they want a clever cover-up say in SR4 make the character say that's the end of that movie have Gat still be alive that type of stuff, make weapons that make sense, and please, please please PLEASE let the campaign make sense. And that's all I have to say thanks for reading this.
I would like to see the game actually finished. Before it is released!

I am happy with the current theme, but I would like to seem some more content.
Being able to uproot a fire hydrant and go have a NPC sized game of "Ten Pin Bowling"
or being able to give NPC's/buildings a "new coat of paint" with a septic truck.

Kind of like... ...All the good qualities of SR:2 and SR:TT combined.
Know what I mean?
I think what your looking for is crackdown 2
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
-C.S. Lewis
Yea SRTT was a bit childish and had adultery at the same time like the very effective dildo, cyber blasters, all stag weapons, etc. SR should remove these childish things like the gangsters in space DLC, the dominatrix, trouble with clones DLC saints flow powers, etc. and other dumb things like the apoca-fist, bloodsucker DLC BTW where do these ideas come from like penatrator weapon I mean the Whore House was acceptable but some weapons, costumes, and vehicles are dumb. And worst of all the campaign made no sense you're supposed to kill the guy who killed your best friend instead you make a movie with him............WTF MAN!!! But yea that's all I got to say so if they want a clever cover-up say in SR4 make the character say that's the end of that movie have Gat still be alive that type of stuff, make weapons that make sense, and please, please please PLEASE let the campaign make sense. And that's all I have to say thanks for reading this.

Glad you agree with me. Dumb costumes like a gimp suit or mascot suits for the player may stay imo (because will, thats not over the top, its just stupid but fun) and some fun weapons like the defibrillator from saints row 2 and the chainsaw defenitly should stay but the prof genki stuff and the STAG was just retarted. If STAG would have been more like the Masako Team from Ultor that whould have been superb.
Yea SRTT was a bit childish and had adultery at the same time like the very effective dildo, cyber blasters, all stag weapons, etc. SR should remove these childish things like the gangsters in space DLC, the dominatrix, trouble with clones DLC saints flow powers, etc. and other dumb things like the apoca-fist, bloodsucker DLC BTW where do these ideas come from like penatrator weapon I mean the Whore House was acceptable but some weapons, costumes, and vehicles are dumb.And worst of all the campaign made no sense you're supposed to kill the guy who killed your best friend instead you make a movie with him............WTF MAN!!!
I stopped reading after that since what you're saying isn't quite right, you crushed the guy who killed your best friend in a very badass way with a huge metal ball.
Killbane got away so you don't make a movie with him, just with a Oleg-sized dude with Killbane's mask you probably gained from taking it away from him at MurderBrawl XXXI.
I think most vehicles have a decent quality.

Believe it or not, the Saints Row games got in its process only wackier. SR1 was pure gangsta, SR2 was gangsta with a bit of modern/post-modern things mixed up exquisitely, SR3 was modern/post-modern and even sci-fi themed game, not going about gangs like just the Saints against 3 other gangs, but more about corporate warfare, Saints/Ultor Media group (Saints) against the Syndicate.

I can't say for sure what'll be exactly coming, but I expect great assets from SR2 coming back.
Yea SRTT was a bit childish and had adultery at the same time like the very effective dildo, cyber blasters, all stag weapons, etc. (...)
While I don't see a point in calling a video game "childish" and not "childish" (is Tetris childish? Or Frogger? Diablo?) those "adult things" are pretty... errmm... maybe I'm reading it wrong... English isn't my native language after all...
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