Ideas For Saints Row 4

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What do you predict Saints Row 4 will be like: what type of story? Will they bring Gat back (Hopefully not in a cliche and cheesy way :p )? Will we be moved to a much bigger city, as people are complaining that Steel Port is too small? What do you want Saints Row 4 to be like? What's going to happen to Shandi because, depending on your gameplay decisions, she was left to die. Post your predeictions/list of thing you want here.
as long as they add some good graphics, I dont really care about what they add in

although id love to see some even more crazy stuff

Im glad they didnt go down the GTA route which means they can add all these fake crazy guns
as long as they add some good graphics, I dont really care about what they add in

although id love to see some even more crazy stuff

Im glad they didnt go down the GTA route which means they can add all these fake crazy guns
Yah, I just LOVE the over-the-top-ness of SR. I mean, calling down an airstrike, failing a huge bank heist to just five minutes later be jumping out of a plane and shooting people mid-air, killing people with a giant purple dildo :p , exploding people with a glove packed with the entire apocalypse inside, etc. I want a bigger city and more areas to just explore and stuff like that which was in SR2.
My list:
  • Character fully customizable like SR2.
  • Able to wear NPC clothing like SR2.
  • Two cities instead of one.
  • On the Xbox360 (or when the next Xbox gets released) use the kinnect feature to scan yourself into the game.
  • Mass Effect style of conversations where what you say effects the storyline.
  • Stealth Missions.
  • More Burt "Fucking" Reynolds.
  • Johnny Gat returns fully healed either as a companion or the antagonist.
  • Find out what happened to Tobias and Troy from SR2.
  • Able to customize your Homies and what they wear eg. Change Shaundi and Pierce's gear.
  • and many many more.
-- SR2's level of customization
-- SR2's amount of side missions and diversions
-- A more varied city like Stilwater in SR2 was; whether this means a return to Stilwater in SR4, an expansion of Steelport like Stilwater was between the first two games, or a brand new city is up to them
-- Downplaying the "over-the-top"ness. It was fun, but SR2 was IMO the perfect mix between serious and over-the-top without getting stuck up its own ass about either of them.
-- Drop physical weapon upgrades and make them stat upgrades so that more unique weapons can be fit into the game (if I understand correctly, the reason why they ran out of memory was because each weapon upgrade counts as its own weapon)
-- On that note, bring back the varied guns. At first I thought I'd like having to buy only one or two pistols and choosing between them, but looking back, I liked how you have a choice of like 5 different pistols or 3 shotguns and so on. This especially applies to the Melee section, which was really lacking in SR3.
-- Toggle-able upgrades. Can't stress this enough.
-- Make dual-wielding a weapons cache option again rather than an un-toggle-able upgrade
-- Keep the "freaking superpowers" from Enter the Dominatrix
-- Expand Whored Mode. Allow people to port their character in from the main game. Allow them to customize the waves so that you could theoretically recreate Zombie Uprising from SR2.

and most importantly

-- 4 player co-op. I'm not saying the entire story has to be 4 player co-op, but at the very least we need free-roaming with it. Whether this means disabling all missions once you surpass 2 players or making a GTA4-esque "Free Mode" is up to the devs, but this would really make co-op better.
I'm not upset. Stories happen. I'm more annoyed at the change in tone from the second game than i am by plot points like a character or two getting bumped. That said, it's a bit of a shame because Gat was the most charismatic character of the series, and Shaundi was pretty much No Fun Nancy through the whole game. Frankly, i'd rather see her just... go away than stick around with her sr3 personality.

You want my hopes? I hope Volition gets sold to Zenimax, they start to promote the modding community, and the fourth game has more of Saints Row 2's tone in story. Remember the courtroom cutscene at the beginning, in which Gat shows us that he's the most charismatic? Remember his choreographed fight with Jyunichi? Remember the showdown with Kazuo Akuji in the cemetery? Remember how scary Maero was when he was angry, and how he could match the protagonist in a physical bout? (I'm pretty sure the protagonist is canonically acknowledged as super-human; i mean, in the first game, he survives a gunshot, with no medical treatment. Come on.)

The second game was dark compared to the third. I want that back. The price of failure for the Samedi, burying Akuji alive, and of course the escalating war of brutality between the Brotherhood and the Saints that i doubt i even need to describe.
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