Joe's Tacticool Weapons!

I bump the question regarding HUD: is it possible to change weapon HUD icons like the weapons were?
Im having trouble trying to get the drum magazine on my shotgun to work. I extracted all the weapon textures, and I think I'm supposed to extract one of the MESH files as well. However, if I extracted Shotgun-Police_ClipC.str2_pc my level 4 shotgun ends up with no magazine, and if I extracted the Shotgun-Police_ClipB.str2_pc file, my shotgun ends up with an extended mag on level 4 (the default one). If I extract both, it still ends up with no magazine. Any advice on what to try next?

Great mod by the way. The STAG weapons could use a nice touch in the future, but the white coloring isn't too bad for now. I actually like it white anyways.
1. I used gimp.
2. I've not really had any luck messing with the icons.
3. You have to add in both "Shotgun-Police_ClipB.str2_pc" and "Shotgun-Police_ClipC.str2_pc" and the Item_Preload file that's in there, all 3 of those are needed to swap out the shotgun mags in my mod. The XBTL document in the mesh folder only affects the gravedigger, the other 3 are necessary together to get the drum and mag swap.
Works like a charm. Initially I did try to just extract one of the shotgun-police_clip files and that item_preload file, but my game wouldn't start up. But seeing that you need both and the item_preload, it works flawlessly. Thank you again.