Saints Row: The Third Kinzie's Toy Box Status (SRTT SDK)

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(which after some horror stories I've heard I'm starting to wonder if Bethesda is feeling).

They're rich from lawsuits, what do they care.

Back on topic, when the tools come out they are no doubt going to be extremely buggy, so who is going to handle CTD's?
They're rich from lawsuits, what do they care.

Back on topic, when the tools come out they are no doubt going to be extremely buggy, so who is going to handle CTD's?

What an odd and strangely pessimistic question.
You can't be pessimistic about the inevitable (yes I know that sounds pessimistic as well), but I was wondering if the forums going to be left to deal with the issues or the if volition will be handling that.
You can't be pessimistic about the inevitable (yes I know that sounds pessimistic as well), but I was wondering if the forums going to be left to deal with the issues or the if volition will be handling that.

Unknown. Most likely it will be supported by the community. i.e. us.
You can't be pessimistic about the inevitable (yes I know that sounds pessimistic as well), but I was wondering if the forums going to be left to deal with the issues or the if volition will be handling that.

I don't know why you think it will be so buggy. While it's naive to think there will be no bugs, Volition knows their own formats pretty well, I think. Since these SDK tools are essentially format conversion tools, if there are CTDs it's either going to mean the mod author goofed when he made the mod or the end user goofed when he installed it.
You can't be pessimistic about the inevitable (yes I know that sounds pessimistic as well), but I was wondering if the forums going to be left to deal with the issues or the if volition will be handling that.

I'd also like to say that we don't plan on going away anytime soon and we're surely not just going to dump the exe's and bail.
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