Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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Although I can I totally understand peoples fustration about all of this, I also think it would be nice if we on this site could show Volition some grace. Their willingness to give up so much of their personal free time to help all of us should at the very least encourage us to be supportive toward them when the shit goes down. Yes, we're entitled to have a few gripes, but we can also counter the raging mob mentality that's happening on other sites.
There are a few clothing items in IS that you can't find in-game. Someone made a handy list of items (with pictures), but I don't have a link right now.

Personally I have yet to find the "Devil Horns" hat anywhere, but maybe I'm just dumb.
Devil horns are there, I don't recall the store but I own them. You can't color them though. They are White.
I never got the 633mb patch but did get a ~28mb patch today, is that ok to use? I can wait if this one has issues too, I know things can happen :)

You probably do have it. My system listed it as starting at about 12:43 AM PDT.

The 28bm patch was released this afternoon and that would be the only one showing up for you.
this is why i don't overwrite ANYTHING because mistakes happen easily in updates lol

(yes it's more memory consumeing but it's worth not having to beat the game all over again)
I just tried the game with this new patch and it seems I don't have that broken weapons bug... The only weapons related bug I encounter is I've got two dubstep guns in my inventory, and I still have the audio log bug when I load my save.

EDIT : Could it be a weapons mod related bug (the original weapons files may have been uptated and the mods are perhaps incompatible with this version) ? I don't have any installed, the only mod I'm using is an edited camera_free.xtbl.
OK the latest patch finally broke my saves (manual and auto ones) like almost everybody here : Merica Gun vanished, Singularity Gun also disappeared, and I've got a brand new heavily glitched, useless and invisible robot mounted laser gun ! :(
OK the latest patch finally broke my saves (manual and auto ones) like almost everybody here : Merica Gun vanished, Singularity Gun also disappeared, and I've got a brand new heavily glitched, useless and invisible robot mounted laser gun ! :(
Hold down the fire button for a while until the lasers converge. It'll go off then. Unfortunately the reload time is huge.

Anyway yeah, it's vaguely amusing to mess around with, but for now I'm just going to put a pin in my SR4 progress. PAX is this week anyway. I figure by the time I get done with that the Volition guys will have fixed it and everything will be back as it should be. My save files aren't going anywhere.
Although I can I totally understand peoples fustration about all of this, I also think it would be nice if we on this site could show Volition some grace. Their willingness to give up so much of their personal free time to help all of us should at the very least encourage us to be supportive toward them when the shit goes down. Yes, we're entitled to have a few gripes, but we can also counter the raging mob mentality that's happening on other sites.
I find it kind of amusing. How else would you have two dubstep guns, two baseball bats, three assault rifles, and an Alien SMG in your pistol slot? :D
I find it kind of amusing. How else would you have two dubstep guns, two baseball bats, three assault rifles, and an Alien SMG in your pistol slot? :D
Now all we need is triple wielding. No, I'm not going to suggest which limb should wield the third weapon:D
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