Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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It's still playable, just bugged.

....and possibly corrupting saves.
In addition to that, If you take a look at the Steam forums, several people are experiencing several other bugs with this patch, such as not being able to connect to co-op partners or a bug that apparently makes the last mission unfinishable during co-op.

I also don't consider a bugged release as "working properly" ;-)
....and possibly corrupting saves.
In addition to that, If you take a look at the Steam forums, several people are experiencing several other bugs with this patch, such as not being able to connect to co-op partners or a bug that apparently makes the last mission unfinishable during co-op.

I also don't consider a bugged release as "working properly" ;-)
I backupped my Savegame, and I haven't experienced any big bugs except some weapons missing.
I backupped my Savegame, and I haven't experienced any big bugs except some weapons missing.
yes, and everything you're doing now is a waste. you'l have to redo it again once the fix comes out. i doubt the fix will fix the savefiles that are already corrupted.
I'm going to wait for the next update. I have some IRL to play that I've been putting off for a few days now.
Wait a second I made a backup of my saves after the update was done but we don't know that if the update would corrupt the saves that were made before the update. Most likely it would corrupt the saves made after the update. But if it does corrupt my saves which I made before the the update then no more volition games for me. Not going start from the beginning and waste 20 hours of my life to get 97% completion again.
Wait a second I made a backup of my saves after the update was done but we don't know that if the update would corrupt the saves that were made before the update. Most likely it would corrupt the saves made after the update. But if it does corrupt my saves which I made before the the update then no more violation games for me. Not going start from the beginning and waste 20 hours of my life to get 97% completion again.
surely it only corrupts games if you save them? i haven't seen anyone mention savefiles getting corrupted, just losing their autosaves. (and honestly it's a bad idea to rely on autosaves)
Wait a second I made a backup of my saves after the update was done but we don't know that if the update would corrupt the saves that were made before the update. Most likely it would corrupt the saves made after the update. But if it does corrupt my saves which I made before the the update then no more volition games for me. Not going start from the beginning and waste 20 hours of my life to get 97% completion again.

So just like that, you are going to boycot a company that makes wonderfull games because of one mistake? Now that is what I call a waste. Did you hate playing Saints Row IV? Was every minute you played the game a waste? Did you just HAVE to get through the 20 hours even though you didn't like it at all?
Or did you enjoy the game and laugh like the rest of us? So how can it be a waste of 20 hours if you have to start from the beginning? I know I will at least finish this game 3 times from the beginning with different characters and voice actors, just to hear Nolan North make fun of himself in the game. Or to try and work on the challenges early on so I don't have a shitload to do at the end. But that's just me I guess.

And don't worry about your save files. Everybody automatically assumes their saves are corrupted. If you save it with a bug, you have that bug. If you save it AFTER the bugs are removed, your save file will be without bugs.
Unless they pull a Black & White 2 on us where you needed to start a new game for some reason, wich I highly doubt. Plus, just get the Unlock all weapons mod, or use the additional cheats mod to get the weapons you need to finish the game, the ones you had. It's not like you lost the weapon forever.

it isn't though. you can't continue playing your savefiles cause we don't know if they'l be fixed after the next patch.

i admit the whining is a bit annoying, but some complaining is acceptable.

Sometimes it is, but not if people are just whining for the sake of whining. There are more then enough solutions to work with. A whole company is working to fix it. So they don't have a time plan. Would be worse if they would say it will be fixed within the hour and it took more then four. You know they are working on it, what more do you want them to do? But if people yell "But if it does corrupt my saves which I made before the the update then no more volition games for me.", just because of a mistake, they should stop gaming at all.

I understand that this is extremely annoying, especially if you can't finish a mission or play co-op. But these things happen with software. And since it is just the software, it can be fixed. And if the save files are unretrievable, to bad. So you just have to play a fun game from the start again. Your stats are still on the Saints Row site, your achievements are still unlocked. The only thing that is really bad is you have a major cliffhanger. But again, I find it very doubtfull they won't be able to fix the bugs and correct the save files.

EDIT: I tested the cheats. Those don't work. The Friendly Fire Unrestricted mod does work. So if you can not finish a quest because you need a certain weapon that has dissapeared from your weapons cache, you can just buy the weapons you need. Not ideal, but it works. The only sitback is that you can not use DLC weapons. But I'm sure the mod will be updated soon.
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We just got a new patch. Unfortunately, weapons are still broken. :eek:
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