Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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Can we get some sort of update? it's now friday already. People are worried if it's not fixed today it won't be fixed until tuesday because of the long weekend. we need some kind of update with a hard confirmed time, if they were on final testing yesterday.

Patience. Rome wasn't built in a day. Although... Rome didn't have broken weapons and missing DLC ether.

Patience. Rome wasn't built in a day. Although... Rome didn't have broken weapons and missing DLC ether.


heh, i just want some sort of update is all. i haven't been able to play my game since monday night and i had only bought the damn thing on friday before lol. the long weekend just scares people, but like i said, theres still a good 10-12 hours left in volition's work day judging by yesterday, so it's got some time to come out still.
it's 8:30am where volition is, so they're just getting to work. i think whoever said "morning german time" didn't know what they were talking about. the patches are put out by volition, not deep silver, iirc. don't give up hope yet. i know it's worrying, but theres still quite a few hours left(10-12 to be exact) before the long weekend starts.
I'm fairly certain that the reason they talked about morning German time was because the patch was already built, and was in QA at Deep Silver, and they are in Germany.

I for one decided to go play some Castlevania instead of getting frustrated about something I have no control over.
it's 8:30am where volition is, so they're just getting to work. i think whoever said "morning german time" didn't know what they were talking about. the patches are put out by volition, not deep silver, iirc. don't give up hope yet. i know it's worrying, but theres still quite a few hours left(10-12 to be exact) before the long weekend starts.
You shouldn't double post, and I would think someone who WORKS for Volition WOULD know what they are talking. He said he heard, he did NOT say "It will be up in the morning german time." The game is still very much playable. Its a choice to not enjoy it while some weapons are glitched. Though I also choose not to, but I got plenty of games to play and shows to watch until. :D
it's 8:30am where volition is, so they're just getting to work. i think whoever said "morning german time" didn't know what they were talking about. the patches are put out by volition, not deep silver, iirc. don't give up hope yet. i know it's worrying, but theres still quite a few hours left(10-12 to be exact) before the long weekend starts.

Yeah, I went by the "morning german time" (assuming it would be released from Germany then somehow).

Thx for the re-assurance, though. :)
I'm fairly certain that the reason they talked about morning German time was because the patch was already built, and was in QA at Deep Silver, and they are in Germany.

I for one decided to go play some Castlevania instead of getting frustrated about something I have no control over.
volition can put out the patch today regardless, as long as it's ready, if deep silver all go to bed. they put out a patch at 4pm US time the day of the initial patch that bugged out, so it's not unreasonable that it'll come today. it really has to or people will lose their minds. and yeah, i beat splinter cell blacklist start to finish in the time i've waited, and now im playing castlevania lords of shadow, and am a good 25% of the way into that now. i just really wanna play saints.

You shouldn't double post, and I would think someone who WORKS for Volition WOULD know what they are talking. He said he heard, he did NOT say "It will be up in the morning german time." The game is still very much playable. Its a choice to not enjoy it while some weapons are glitched. Though I also choose not to, but I got plenty of games to play and shows to watch until. :D

i'm just trying to reassure people to not lose hope because as soon as people start worrying about it, things will get more frustrating for everyone as everyone flips out. and i actually cannot play my game at all. the glitch took every weapon from me except two, and i'm at the mission to get the of the guns the glitch removes for pretty much everyone, so i literally cannot progress until it's fixed. all i can do right now is free roam with my powers and two guns.

Volition is based in Illinois yes? That means they've probably just woken up.

yes, i'm in the state bordering illinois, like i said they're likely just getting to work now.(assuming their workday begins at 8-9). if the patch was indeed as done as they made it sound yesterday, it's very likely coming today. but like i said, it's a waiting game, with a potential 12 hours to wait before it's not happening.
heh, i just want some sort of update is all. i haven't been able to play my game since monday night and i had only bought the damn thing on friday before lol. the long weekend just scares people, but like i said, theres still a good 10-12 hours left in volition's work day judging by yesterday, so it's got some time to come out still.

Volition is based in Illinois yes? That means they've probably just woken up.
i'm just trying to reassure people to not lose hope because as soon as people start worrying about it, things will get more frustrating for everyone as everyone flips out. and i actually cannot play my game at all. the glitch took every weapon from me except two, and i'm at the mission to get the of the guns the glitch removes for pretty much everyone, so i literally cannot progress until it's fixed. all i can do right now is free roam with my powers and two guns.

You should make a backup, and try it you should be able to repurchase the guns w/ your upgrades intact. My friend only suffered extra weapons, he had not done the missions for the missing guns yet and they are all working fine for him on his game. Can't long as you make a backup lol
You should make a backup, and try it you should be able to repurchase the guns w/ your upgrades intact. My friend only suffered extra weapons, he had not done the missions for the missing guns yet and they are all working fine for him on his game. Can't long as you make a backup lol
hehe, someone put out a mod too that put the guns back in friendly fire as a temporary fix. with so many people talking about increased crash frequency from the patch, and upgrades not working as intended either, i'd just wait if it's gonna come out today. if it doesn't come today, that's when i'd start trying to do that stuff :p
I think some are experiencing ctd issues with the game because they're using Nvidia drivers that came out after the 314.22 drivers.

First thread about the newer drivers..

Second thread..

Third thread..

I tried the July drivers and got infrequent lockups while just using IE 10 and Firefox, which was odd. I rolled back to 314.22 and haven't had an issue since.
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