Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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I'm not saying it's unreasonable to expect the patch come today (I should hope that it does with the weekend and all), but I for one prefer them to take their time and make sure stuff works this time.
I mean SRMods community is taking this relatively cool and all, the rest of the internets on the other hand is not.
Just imagine if they released another patch that didn't fix it properly, I wouldn't want to be the community manager whose job was to deal with that crowd at that point.
My drivers are at least a few months old, probably several, and I've had no crashing issues in about 40 hours of SR4. I'll have to check the exact version when I get home.

Ah well, just a bit disappointed if I don't get to play over the holiday. But in the meantime I started a new SR3 co-op with my friend last night. Many laughs were had.
Dunno if it helps anyone with driver issues, but I am running the 320.xx flavor and had trouble with them at first -- until I noticed the root of the problem. Heat.
This is solved easily by installing EVGA Precision (or any application that lets you adjust the GPU fan curve). I tweaked my curve appropriately, now it keeps things at a cool 55, tops.
And no more crashing!
Heat management was critical when I had my 480GTX. That thing was crazy hot and had what sounded like a dust buster for a fan. EVGA Precision was very good at managing the heat.

I am much happier with my 680GTX, whisper quiet.
My GTX 480 doesn't overheat, because once every month or so I pull the card out. I remove the casing and blow out the fan and the vents inside because they are constantly caked with dust after a few months. My card runs at 60C with everything on ultra and runs smoothly. You may want to look into cleaning it, however its hard to figure out how to open it. It's got tabs and since I'm not the one who opens the card (my brother does, since he knows how to better) I'm not the one to ask how.

However, youtube has some instructional videos if you look hard enough that might help.

No way a 480 should go above 70c doing anything graphics intensive.
60 C is pretty high, mine never goes over 45C during summer, unless I try running said Far Cry 3. I follow pretty much the same maintenance routine.

Depends on what type of cooling you have too. I use two 80 mm and one 120 mm fans.
60c is high? My rigs spec'd idle temps are 50-55c

EDIT: Though, I have a laptop. Not sure the specs of desktop gfx cards, haven't had a desktop since 2002? So I'm out of that loop.
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