SRIV Latest Steam patch issues

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I don't really have any more information that you guys have at this point. I was under the impression that the patch would go out late last night or today sometime. I have emailed people, but haven't heard anything yet. I'll post again when I know something.
Ya doin' ya best, mate. Not rightly sure what else anyone can expect a ya?
Well, still some 'today' to go... we'll see
There's no sudden unexpected bugs cropping up from the patch that appeared in testing? I guess if not, it could be just delays somewhere along the line, either DS or possibly at Steam's end...

Well, as long as the patch is good to roll, we can all be happy it should show up soon enough. Steelport (well, ok, a sim thereof) awaits, as does all the enemies to start shooting. :D
I know of some people who have spent a lot of time trying to address this in a way to fix your gamesaves. It's taken a good deal of effort, but last I heard things looked good.
When "these things happen" people are usually entitled to a refund or compensation (in fact most countries have that as one of their... Oh what are they called now... oh yeah that's right, "laws"), not get shafted with more things to buy to make that product more complete.

Steam dont do refund to a game that got broke by a patch. At most you can ask for compensation from Deep Silver/Volition. Even if Steam going to do refund, mess up weapons problem is not large enough for a refund. I remember seeing Steam do refund once on a game that is broken to a level players cant even start the game on the day it release.

Volition made a patch that broke the game, Volition has to fix it themselves, Steam has nothing to do with it.
Morning in german is basically at the moment, it's 0313 in the morning/night.
Oh well, i'll just wait, thanks for the info though :)
Everyone is acting like the game is broken, but I seem to still be fully capable of massive destruction, but then again that's just how I roll......death from above Atom style. Definitely think there is some major over reacting here. You'd think modders that repeatedly destroy our games with our own patches would be more understanding.....maybe we are douche bags. Hell, everyone of us thought we had done it to our own games when we first saw it, then we find out it was the big V and we freak out.....(by we I mean them....I personally don't really care. I just play vidia games.) If your new to this sight know this.....if your game ain't broken then you ain't doing something right.
Everyone is acting like the game is broken, but I seem to still be fully capable of massive destruction, but then again that's just how I roll......death from above Atom style. Definitely think there is some major over reacting here. You'd think modders that repeatedly destroy our games with our own patches would be more understanding.....maybe we are douche bags. Hell, everyone of us thought we had done it to our own games when we first saw it, then we find out it was the big V and we freak out.....(by we I mean them....I personally don't really care. I just play vidia games.) If your new to this sight know this.....if your game ain't broken then you ain't doing something right.

Breaking a save is a problem for some people, since it usually means repeating stuff that have been done before, just because it's not a problem for you, doesn't mean it's not a problem for others.
Breaking a save is a problem for some people, since it usually means repeating stuff that have been done before, just because it's not a problem for you, doesn't mean it's not a problem for others.

Agreed, however, are there broken saves? That's news to me.
Agreed, however, are there broken saves? That's news to me.

It'll break save games, in which when you load it with the broken weapon, it makes a majority of your weapon unusable, duplicate of weapon that replace origional content that aren't usable either, loses all DLC content, and unstability that will crash the game.
Yeah, i'm unclear as to whether the issue can occur now, in new games, but at the very least some people's saves did get messed up a bit.
I imagine it can't be easy to fix this, because once the save is in a state where the weapon unlocks are incorrect, it's got to be a devilish task to try to figure out from other evidence what their correct state should be.
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