Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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I remember when Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning had just been released, and the fans were concerned that 38 Studios was focusing on the DLC for that game when they should have been spending their time fixing bugs and balance issues. The studio's explanation was that they were contractually obligated to get the DLC out on a certain date. I would imagine that to be the case here as well. It's not that Volition wants to prioritize the DLC; it's that they have to. The business of business is business.
I don't know what you guys are reading or what but where do you see them focusing on releasing DLC without fixing bugs? The game got messed up WITH the release of the patch and DLC which was one pack. They have made numerous announcements that it IS being worked on. This is why so many companies have piss poor help. Who wants to help people that nitpick, whine, and don't use logic to realize these things happen? I mean unless there is another DLC that came out since the 27th? Someone have a link?
I'm just playing the game with the character that has already completed the game. I am currently working on those last pesky challenges.
I don't know what you guys are reading or what but where do you see them focusing on releasing DLC without fixing bugs? The game got messed up WITH the release of the patch and DLC which was one pack. They have made numerous announcements that it IS being worked on. This is why so many companies have piss poor help. Who wants to help people that nitpick, whine, and don't use logic to realize these things happen? I mean unless there is another DLC that came out since the 27th? Someone have a link?

"Nitpick" and "whine" about a currently broken product which they have PAID for, yeah, totally illogical. -_-

When "these things happen" people are usually entitled to a refund or compensation (in fact most countries have that as one of their... Oh what are they called now... oh yeah that's right, "laws"), not get shafted with more things to buy to make that product more complete.
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Please people. Whining is just as bad as desperate damage control.
Besides, they have all the rights in the world to whine all they want because they invested in a product, and the product is currently not working as intended.
So just stop, go play other games instead of making all this incessant fighting between visibly upset people and people with post-purchase rationalization. This is not the only game in existance and neither the best game out there.
I don't really have any more information that you guys have at this point. I was under the impression that the patch would go out late last night or today sometime. I have emailed people, but haven't heard anything yet. I'll post again when I know something.
I don't really have any more information that you guys have at this point. I was under the impression that the patch would go out late last night or today sometime. I have emailed people, but haven't heard anything yet. I'll post again when I know something.
Thanks, Knobby. You guys at Volition are great, despite all the flak some of the fans give you.
Well, still some 'today' to go... we'll see
There's no sudden unexpected bugs cropping up from the patch that appeared in testing? I guess if not, it could be just delays somewhere along the line, either DS or possibly at Steam's end...

Well, as long as the patch is good to roll, we can all be happy it should show up soon enough. Steelport (well, ok, a sim thereof) awaits, as does all the enemies to start shooting. :D
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