Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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It'll break save games, in which when you load it with the broken weapon, it makes a majority of your weapon unusable, duplicate of weapon that replace origional content that aren't usable either, loses all DLC content, and unstability that will crash the game.

So, maybe. I think we give the big V a chance to fix this. I think many long time users are a bit let down by the community. We have waited years for Volition to be able to interact with us and we act like jerks because of a minor bug. Asking for refunds and assuming the game is broken forever and all is doomed-diddly-oomed. Frankly if the community wants Volition to not treat us like common consumers, then maybe we should stop acting like them. Volition has reached out to us with a shocking openness and lack of PR spin . I really think Volition wants to change the relationship it has with it's customers. I personally want to encourage them to continue being open and direct. If we act like common Trolls, then that will end and the only person we will have a chance to communicate with will be Leroy Jenkins from the PR department telling us, "We do not comment of rumors or speculation." END OF SCENE.
Well, I'm patient enough to wait for it. It's a big game, and more than that it's a big game designed for a pair of ancient hardware platforms and the PC too. The result is all sorts of little tricks and hacks and kludges to make it fit and run. And even ignoring that, it's a big game, which means the complexity is through the roof, hence there's bugs that crop up. Ideally Volition would have had months to fully test the patch, but that takes time off from any other testing of new content/features, and said new content is DLC that while might seem like a money grab is not only a way for them to get more content to the fans (stuff that couldn't be done in time for release, because not everyone is Valve and able to stall for a decade while they work on a game). So it has to go out some time.

And then something crops up. Eh, I can wait... I liked the game in the first place even with silence, and now that Volition is being open and honest (which is a hell of a relief compared to a certain monolithic "There's nothing wrong with the game. Now stop saying that or we'll ban you" developer!) they've bought a lot of goodwill. I think a little might have gone with the patch, but I'd figure I'm understanding enough to let it pass, considering the first thing they did was leap at the problem and try to fix it, and any delays in the patch, well, I have the feeling we'll be told what's going on with it. Imagine if they'd just made another money-grab DLC ignoring the issue, or worse insisted it was the people playing the game. That would have burned up any ground they got from their overtures here.

So, yeah. I can wait. The sad part is I'm a minority among shouty gamers.. they want it yesterday and want all the new stuff as well. For free, since money-grubbing DLC is exploiting the fans and all, right?
Take heart, guys, remember that the vocal ones are just the ones who are vocal about what's up, doesn't mean they're everyone. The rest of us are here, and we're the ones who think 86% metacritic is underselling the game. Certainly for PCs where we're getting modding support from the devs and making strides.

So, uhm. Yeah. TL;DR, be patient, wait. They're working on it, and the last thing the people at Volition who are working in their spare time to help us with modding need to see is everyone adding to the whole impatient unreasonable overdramatic 'fan'. Be patient, they're working on it, and they're not lying to us about what's going on unlike a lot of developers. So give them a little slack, and remember why you've already put in hours and hours of gameplay and are so impatient to get back to it: because they made fun/
So, maybe. I think we give the big V a chance to fix this. I think many long time users are a bit let down by the community. We have waited years for Volition to be able to interact with us and we act like jerks because of a minor bug. Asking for refunds and assuming the game is broken forever and all is doomed-diddly-oomed. Frankly if the community wants Volition to not treat us like common consumers, then maybe we should stop acting like them. Volition has reached out to us with a shocking openness and lack of PR spin . I really think Volition wants to change the relationship it has with it's customers. I personally want to encourage them to continue being open and direct. If we act like common Trolls, then that will end and the only person we will have a chance to communicate with will be Leroy Jenkins from the PR department telling us, "We do not comment of rumors or speculation." END OF SCENE.

I'm not against that, I understand completely that games will have problem, and sometime it can be fixed easily, other time it might take time.
I'm just explaing why some people are frustratrated, and what the problem is for some, are some people overeacting, yes, same to those people that keep on saying it's a DLC, and it's not a new game, it's using the same engine, etc.
Hokie is right.

Disabling the two dlc packs they released and people already paid for would still result in a lot of angry gamers who've paid for those two packs, and they can't toss them a refund to shut them up since Steam won't give them a refund.

No he isn't. The fair thing to do would be to take down the patch, the reason is simple:

-If they leave the broken patch on, hose who pre-ordered the game get screwed over, and the game stays broken for everybody.
-If they take it down, those who bought the new DLC get screwed over, but the game is fixed, again for everybody.

But if I'm wong, then that's a good reason to never pre-order another Volition game again.

Taking the patch off of Steam wouldn't... do anything helpful, really. It wouldn't fix things for existing customers who have been impacted. And those who haven't been impacted yet will be fixed up already from the patched patch they are aggressively working on getting out.

Yeah cause the customers who have been impacted aren't worth s***.
No he isn't. The fair thing to do would be to take down the patch, the reason is simple:

-If they leave the broken patch on, hose who pre-ordered the game get screwed over, and the game stays broken for everybody.
-If they take it down, those who bought the new DLC get screwed over, but the game is fixed, again for everybody.

But if I'm wong, then that's a good reason to never pre-order another Volition game again.
You're forgetting; because of the broken patch, there's now two forks of saved games. Games started after the patch work fine, games started before it have broken weapons. If they just reverted the patch, the situation would not be solved, it would be REVERSED; saves started before the patch would work fine again, but those started after the patch would now have broken weapons. Hence why this is taking time, it's nothing to do with the DLC, it's that they have to find a way to make both forks of saves work at once.
You're forgetting; because of the broken patch, there's now two forks of saved games. Games started after the patch work fine, games started before it have broken weapons. If they just reverted the patch, the situation would not be solved, it would be REVERSED; saves started before the patch would work fine again, but those started after the patch would now have broken weapons. Hence why this is taking time, it's nothing to do with the DLC, it's that they have to find a way to make both forks of saves work at once.

Something tells me saves will be broken ether way.
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