SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

The Blue balls of Awesome.

Not so very awesome outside of the the one instance you get to use it though, cars don't like getting hit by it, tend to shoot 'm through the ground.
I don't know about you, but that sounds awesome.
Talk about a mixing up two different things there on my part. I managed to combine two sentences that were supposed to say it's even more awesome outside of that one instance and end up saying the complete opposite.

It's also a nice weapon to use to shoot the wall-clusters out before you get your blast power.
Once again I ask:
Why THE HELL do you people love Septic Avenger so much ? Please explain it to me, really

Well, Septic Avenger is basically a firefighter sidemission but with poop and that's what makes it funny, you're not helping them, you're shitting on 'em!. Same with FUZZ... its a cop sidemission but you're on a realityTV and you're supposed to use police brutality to stop crime: "every third act needs a minigun!"

Sometimes the little details make all the difference.
Well, Septic Avenger is basically a firefighter sidemission but with poop and that's what makes it funny, you're not helping them, you're shitting on 'em!. Same with FUZZ... its a cop sidemission but you're on a realityTV and you're supposed to use police brutality to stop crime: "every third act needs a minigun!"

Sometimes the little details make all the difference.

Yeah I know those concepts, and I really really like them, some people seem to '' overlike it ''. I dunno ! But I loved Fuzz though !
Having to get $500k (TWICE) only by using stomp was the probably most infuriating activity ever. Using superpowers is stiff as fuck so you can't stomp while dashing and it takes forever between stomps. My pinky finger got tired of mashing Q for dozens of minutes until I could complete both iterations of that. I hope I never have to do them again, and I wish I could kill the person that thought forcing you to use stomp for mayhem was a good idea.

You know, On those Stomp activities
Get Sprint Tornado ability
Wardens button-mashing-to-kill crap. REALLY irritating when you're in the mech suit and have to get out of it just to blow the Warden up after stunning it in the suit! Just let me blow it up inside my cosy robotic armor of death, please!

And I am not sure why, but even on Hardcore mode the game's main-story felt rather short. I wished it was longer (that ending though...for obvious reasons if you read my posts, I wept with joy.).