Minigun Madness

It is known to break when used in conjunction with ANY other weapons mods. This will cause a lot of breaking. So if you install this, you have to keep in mind you can only use it on its own in terms of weapons mods. Second, Corrodias is right, this mod will immediately crash and lock up an unupdated and cracked version of SR4.
tanminghao2002, you might have a mod conflict then. I use a bunch of mods too and have no issues for me with this mod.

edit: I'm using GunsByJoeV5 release and my ff-unlocked-V5 for this mod

edit2: do you own the Red Neck DLC? I think its needed, I have all the dlc so far.

-Red Neck SMG costume has been moved to the automatic rifle. You still need the DLC to use this. I just think it fits better on the rifle.
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Do you think you could also make the Guardsman burst rifle a full-auto SMG? I've heard that it's actually classified as a SMG in real life
IRL, Beretta Cx4 is a semi-automatic 9mm carbine, and a military version Mx4 (with shorter in-game-like barrel, but different magazine) is an SMG.
It's very easy to make it yourself: open weapons.xtbl, search for "Rifle-M00", set <Trigger_Type> to "automatic" and <Refire_Delay> as you want (30ms seems too fast). It will cause minor sound bugs, but to fix these you have to edit costume and it's not so easy to explain.

And I wonder if I can have permission to release my own weapons tweak set, based on this mod (I'm too lazy to figure out how you can add new weapons)?
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