Mod Request: No Map Boundaries

It's the fact that the zones are checkboxes that gets me. The engine is ok with loading a dozen interiors at once and then letting you go to them and the outside normal city as needed? :eek:
(And all the areas are part.. so we could enable them and see where they're stuffed.. part of me suspects above/below map is an option)

Only thing next is a DLC version where we can enable the zones from that.. so people with can enjoy those (and people without have it dlc locked as usual)
Most of them are far out to sea and have an extremely limited draw distance so they won't popup until you're almost right on top of them.
Was that screen from a current version of GoS or is that an upcoming version. And is there a way to get the "All worlds unlocked" mod by itself?
Was that screen from a current version of GoS or is that an upcoming version. And is there a way to get the "All worlds unlocked" mod by itself?

Upcoming gui version that I'm still working on. You'll just have to be patient until release (and don't ask when it will be.)
Those poor poor kittens.:(
People who constantly whinge about "is it done yet" taste bad. It's clinically proven.

They really put them just out to sea, though? Are they in or out of the map boundary? I guess this game is not SR2 with its secret islands to find...
Those poor poor kittens.:(
They really put them just out to sea, though? Are they in or out of the map boundary? I guess this game is not SR2 with its secret islands to find...

The zones themselves aren't loaded in vanilla, so you can't just fly out there and see them. Most of the zone are within the map boundaries with a couple of exceptions like Stilwater and Mars.