Mod Request: No Map Boundaries

Yes. Especially 2:30 wherehe says that it actaully sets us as a female for default, considering the male voice and muscular male body...

PS I'm thinking this thread would be more appropriate in the "General Chat" section, and take out the "Mod request" in the title to just leave "No map boundries"
But we're still chatting and progressing with this. Plus we haven't technically unlocked the boundries. "Can't get through it? Go around it." And we went around it, and becuase of going around it:
1. We can't play any missions and have unlocked boundries
2. Mission #1 is completely broken
3.Just to have the barriers unlocked means we can't access cribs, pedestrian AI is limited, there's no cars on the street, etc

So I'm still thinking this should go to General Chat. Or at least Mods In Progress because we're trying to progress with the boundries being unlocked 24/7.
But mabey, Scince that guy figured out how to escape "When Good Heist Goes Bad", "Deckers.Die", the mars mission, and others, mabey in the future will be able to have all of the places, all at once, 24/7, and we can visit them etc.
mabey in the future will be able to have all of the places, all at once, 24/7, and we can visit them etc.

You will:


Also, you will be able to teleport there to each one with something that turk and I are working on.