New Gang Cars For Gang Customization 3.0

I think thats something to do with the Gang customization and Ped files conflicting maybe, because saints row only understands the gang variant of vehicles so you'd have to incorporate the road variants into the gang one somehow? Apologies if I am wrong but ive tried messing around myself and noticed the game only accepts the gang variant of each car and not the road one unless you add it in somehow
in other hands, my game never crash when i create gang car based on specific variant (chop shop and mission exclusive) like voxel from donnie variant and zenith from chop variant
in other hands, my game never crash when i create gang car based on specific variant (chop shop and mission exclusive) like voxel from donnie variant and zenith from chop variant

You mean that you want your gang cars to look like the street version, heavily modified but no purple color, am I right?
Hey hate to keep doing this but I noticed there is a Variant of the FBI interceptor outfitted for strike teams, It is seen in the cutscene where the masako try to kill you whilst at the bar. Picture reference here: I was wondering if it is possible to add this to the gang customization for the Interceptor or is this too much to ask? sorry if I'm a pest :( , I know you're busy and thanks for your work man

Busy or not, a person is no pest for what he request (unless you want my wife, that is another story:p). I'll try anyway, no problemo.
I've been messing around some more and noticed the Grizzly has two Camo decals but I can see why you left the other one out its just ugly to say the least, would it be possible to get the other camo decal from the bulldog and add it to the grizzly?

Many thanks,

Sadly no. That would require a more professional modder than I am. I can only help you with the code part.
Ahh, could you add the second variant camo in as well just for extra variation between APCS then? thanks

Here you go. It doesn't look exactly good since the red camo is just weird for me. Anyway, I'm working on several missions in the game, this will make the 3rd Street Saints gang come out and help you in various missions, making the game less "1 man army" like. When I've done I'm going to have you test it first for me.;)


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sure thing which missions are they? I might have to progress through the game some more

I am currently working on the Stilwater University Student Union Stronghold of the Sons of Samedi and I'm nearly done. A few description: in the old mission you only have to storm the school with little effort. Now the Sons of Samedi will be massive inside the school and ready for an ambush, Shaundi has already figured that out before the SOS have the chance to wipe out the Boss so she called a little reinforcement of the Saints most heavily-armed members to assist the Boss. Sounds interesting?
think you could also script the Hood takeovers to have more gang members and saints battling it out and increase the number of lieutenants you have to kill?

kinda wanted them to be a huge warzone for a while now

I'll try the best I can. This whole mission modding things is extremely exhausting so I can only do some missions. I'll contact you when it's done. Anyway, try out the mission I said above. (just copy the 2 files into the put your mods here or something in the GoTR).

Changes: the SOS will have about 30 guys in the school and they will RESPAWN after 3 seconds. After you reach the entrance of the school, about 12 3rd Street Saints members will SPAWN and charge in the school with you (they will also RESPAWN after 4 seconds if they are killed during the battle). The Saints will be heavily-armed (they carry K6 Krukovs, AR-40s and AR-200s) so make sure you stick with them in the fight if you find yourself outnumberd. You still have to kill the Lieutenants in the school to finish the stronghold but plan your move right or you will die very quickly.;)


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