NPC behaviour and spawn mod

I ask you all, have you ever seen NPCs spawning on rooftops ?

Yes. The protestor NPCs will spawn up there sometimes protesting the Saints HQ. (you know, the ones with the Shaundi is a Whore signs, etc)
Yes. The protestor NPCs will spawn up there sometimes protesting the Saints HQ. (you know, the ones with the Shaundi is a Whore signs, etc)

Thanks, I did't know that and those guitar playing Genkis on the rooftops are the Protestor spawns. ( changed the action to 'Guitar_Stand' and the NPC Model to mascot_01 )
I find that NPC's range from 3 feet tall to 9 ft tall. Is it possible to limit the variation? I suppose I could stop bothering you and look into it my damn self.... :( I guess the question still stands, but I will try.

I also installed the update to your weather mod, and holy crap it looks like SR 4. Maybe it's just me, but all of the lighting seems so much more.....realistic...don't know, but loving the mods.
Ah ha! Awesome! Okay, that's cool. When I first played I was around the Casino, so I mainly just say Wrestlers. The Height variation really makes the game look awesome. Well done!

Also, I just remembered that the alternate time of day mod is it's separate thing. That's what I was referring to about the game looking better.....
Hey good work on the mod. Makes it more fun to just roam around, for sure!

However, there is one major issue with this mod: Including storyline characters within the pool of peds that can spawn. I have seen Jimmy like 20x since installing this mod. You should remove all those sorts of peds, as it makes little sense and really kills a lot of the immersion brought forth by the mod in the first place. I know Jimmy is a "normal" ped as well, still would make sense to remove him though. I swear I've seen Pierce too, lol.
I don't think having "Jimmy" spawn is a problem. As you said, his model is already just one of the normal ped models but with a different colour scheme

Plus, if Jimmy really is your Number One Fan, why wouldn't you see him around town Stalking you....

It might be nice if you can limit him so you don't see more than one of him at a time, though, if it's not already.