NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Edit: sorry, another update. Had to clean up the mess I made when I first put in female cops. Female police officers are now their own character entry. AI behaviour was also tweaked again to make NPCs better at melee-ing stuff.
Well, just one more update and we will go to V40! :D I remember when you said that V20 is Final. ;)
Hah, but seriously I think you are doing really good job. ;)
If the admins will ever use awards then this mod gets the award of 'most versions released'.
If the admins will ever use awards then this mod gets the award of 'most versions released'.
Now will be V40, next V50, and after that we are going in full swing to V100. Simple Math. ;)
P.S. I'm curious what will be in V100. :)
This really should have been posted in "mods in progress", as I update the thing as I go- even after making the most insignificant changes. I don't think I'll get to v100 though. :p

By the way, I just posted v40 which changes the frequency at which some NPCs spawn with "props"- baseball caps and the like. Now some NPCs will no longer be wearing hats all the time or whatever. Maybe 40 is a good number to stop at? It's nice and round.
It seems that Murderbrawl XXXI can't be completed with this mod since sometimes a luchadore that is too tall is spawned and is unable to run out for you to kill. Any way to change this?
Open up character_definitions.xtbl and search for the saints_male_pedro and gang_male_ivan entries. Change their <Height_Class> to medium and <Variation> to 0, that should allow you to complete the mission. I'll have a fix up for this soon.
I saw that problem when I replayed that mission but I thought it's just one-time vanilla bug.
Hey SF ( ShitFace ) I did some editing to the action_node_npcs.xtbl and the action_node_groups.xtbl files.
Changed some of the NPC_Models_Lists, the animation_actions, some animation_states and then changed <Num_Resource_Requests>1 to 4.

By lowering the <Min_spacing>1.5</Min_spacing> to 0.5 , enabled many more NPCs to spawn quicker.

By increasing the maximum number of spawns and instances allowed in world for a few action nodes ( protester, dancer and drinker ) may have caused an overflow of spawning NPCs
( NO game crash, NO lag, but a lot more NPCs showing up in surprising locations )

I found a few results that were totally unexpected and I ask you all, have you ever seen NPCs spawning on rooftops ?


I took the Spector ( Hover Bike ) out for a ride from the Saints HQ in Sunset Park and ...WTF ?


Good thing they are not all pissing over the roof edge. ( next version they will be ):plol


Driving past the Planet Saints store by the docks in Sunset Park, there were 18 Genki guitarists and 6 dancing Gimpy girls. ( too risky to go into that store - might get bopped over the head by a guitar weilding murder cat ) lol

I stopped by the Planet Saints store in LorenSquare, parked my car in the usual spot in front of the tree on the sidewalk, ( all was quiet at this time ) went into the store to get a jacket and when I walked out, I seen this. lol

Genki probably spawns where my car is parked and gets put on top of the roof. lol