NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Thanks for the speedy reply!! Will definitely get this going! Also has IdolNinja included this in the GoS pack yet?

Not yet. It will be part of the upcoming gui version of GoS that I'm working on.
Not yet. It will be part of the upcoming gui version of GoS that I'm working on.

Aah! Wow, thank you so much! Currently right now I'm playing with the GoS Mod, and the Behavior Mod and everything seems to be running very smoothly. I assume that if I want to play Coop with my friend with these mods then I should have him download the exact same then? Also a side note: I know this isn't the right thread to be talking about this mod, but in the GoS Mod, the one that allows for all vehicles to be customized; I noticed that with the Bloody Cannoness*(Nyte Blade Motorbike) That the paint doesn't fully hit every single part. I'm not sure if that's the GoS Mod, or the original mod that had been added into the GoS one. It's not too much of a big deal... I love that motorbike, but prefer to paint it purple to match the Saints, but when I do there are still lines of red where the color doesn't change! Just pointing it out! ((Again sorry for not the right thread!))

I was reading early in this thread involving the Pony vehicle that passengers may be standing on the seat, and I just encountered that! Was there a fix for it I didn't notice?
It's always best if your coop partner has the same mods, but things are usually okay different ones (just slight glitchy stuff.)

A vehicle's paint and paint areas are part of the mesh itself and nothing that any mod would affect. There is no way to fix that without mesh tools which we do not have.

The pony cart only contains animations for using rifles in the back seat. There's nothing that can be done to fix that with our limited tools.

Please use the GoS thread for any further questions or discussions relating to it. Thanks.
I tried to combine lines from this mod's .xtbls with ones from my GoS installation, but I guess I don't know enough about .xtbl editing to do it.

I particularly wanted to have female cops/EMTs, cops using melee attacks at 1 star, and the action node spawning for civilians; but couldn't swing it. :\
I don't know which lines *specifically* pertain to what changes exactly. Most I can guess, but some I have no idea what they do.

Thanks for the mod, though. I look forward to when it's integrated in to the GoS release with the GUI. :)
Just uploaded v15 v16, pretty big update this time. I've added the unused "wrestler" characters as normal pedestrian spawns in the southwest neighborhoods of Steelport as well as the referee, and fixed a couple peds that were broken. Neighborhood-specific pedestrian spawning has also been tweaked a bit and many neighborhoods now have certain characters that will spawn more often than others. For example, more hearses, ambulances, and wrestlers around the murderbrawl arena, more punks near nobody loves me, more old people in the suburbs, etc. Hopefully this will give them a little more "character". Decker, STAG and Luchadore weapon loadouts have also been tweaked again and motorcycle cops will now spawn on the roads even when you have zero notoriety. Gang and Police notoriety also now increases slightly more with each kill.
would it be possible to set cops to only use melee/non lethal weapons at 1 star? It's a bit absurd that they still bust out pistols (which for me are 3 burst fire due to the Handgun Fun mod) for minor altercations. Maybe set it so that they'll use a baseball bat, which is the closest thing you can get to a riot baton
Oh shit double post

I've uploaded v17 which adds a huge amount of new pedestrian variants by adding all of the hitman targets to the regular ped spawns and giving them new colour schemes. Notoriety has also been tweaked again to make killing civilians attract less heat and neighborhood-specific spawns have been changed a bit.

Seeing as this update uses hitman target NPCs, please make sure to report in here if you're experiencing any hitman mission bugs that may be related to this mod. I've tested a few of the missions without any problems, but I don't have time to test them all.