NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Guess it's true, people with shit for faces are sweeeeeeet :p

Unique little snowflake feels all giddy inside and says thanks!

As a small thank you; I'm guessing you already have a method to do stuff like this with the amount of mods you've released, but just in case you don't, please see here..
Hi everybody, I've used this mod for a while and I'm now stuck in "A Remote Chance" because the game crash every damn time after I've killed the first target during the Jane Valderamma's speech at the radio, I've uninstalled the other mods and the game keeps crashing but I don't know how I can unistall this one, did I need to reinstall the game? :confused:

edit: grammar...
I dont know if its because of your mod, but i saw 3 cars crash with a tiger limping around, then he jumps ina taxi and drives off lol. great mod anyway.
Whenever I attempt to hold a civilian who is holding a weapon hostage the game crashes. I've recreated the crash 5 times...that's defiantly what it is.
Whenever I attempt to hold a civilian who is holding a weapon hostage the game crashes. I've recreated the crash 5 times...that's defiantly what it is.

What other mods do you have installed?

Are you running a fully legal, Steam version of the game?
Yes I am running the legal version. I got it during the THQ humble bundle after donating 30 bucks.

The othermods I have are sandbox+ HD textures and disable force weapon switch. And like I said only civilians holding weapons causes the crash. Normal enemies holding weapons and it's fine.
I would be willing to bet it's the disable force weapon switch that's causing it, IMO. When you take a hostage in vanilla it also switches your weapon to a pistol/shotgun if you're barehanded. I think that'd be the mod that's causing it? Just a guess, mind you.
I would be willing to bet it's the disable force weapon switch that's causing it, IMO. When you take a hostage in vanilla it also switches your weapon to a pistol/shotgun if you're barehanded. I think that'd be the mod that's causing it? Just a guess, mind you.
You are probably right about this.
Even though it doesn't happen when holding non wielding civilians and gangsters/cops? I'll test it out when I get home.