Past Gangs Spawning Mod

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This mod is the best! I've been playing around with it for an hour or so because the game is broken anyway and I am having a great time! It really feels like this should have been in the vanilla game, as the whole point of the simulation is for the Boss to not have control of Steelport. It doesn't make sense for it to just be the Saints and the cops/aliens, there needs to be someone else in control :)

I really like the density of the Morningstar spawns downtown and how they react to notoriety. I now have far more targets for when I am mindlessly rampaging with wardens turned off.

One thing I noticed is that even with high notoriety the gang members don't seem to attack unless I perform a new hostile action within a certain radius of them. I know people were against your idea to have gang members always be attacking you, but perhaps they could go hostile similar to the cops when the player has any amount of notoriety?

Even still, I'm really really enjoying this mod and I don't see myself turning it off ever.
Thanks for the feedback guys, it's really appreciated.

The tank bug hasn't got anything to do with this mod because this mod doesn't touch the weapons table.
The Gunslinger police car bug, I'll see if I can reproduce the problem and fix it. ;)
The alien spawning bug, I guess that has to do with that you just entered the simulation from a save.
I'll make the NG stronger in my next release. ;)

And with the gangs not attacking you even on high notoriety, just shoot on them. Gangs are put in the Neutral Gang team, thus being different from the police, they will only attack you when you really fire at them. And sometimes such battles can go on for long long LONG times, as most of the time, the streets are filled with them. Neutral Gang notoriety can however only go up to level 1 notoriety, when you get notoriety level 2 the cops will involve themselves, sadly. Because there's not just a notoriety for every gang/team anymore, just one notoriety spawn/attack group for all teams. This is also the reason why I don't make notoriety spawns for the gangs, as then on notoriety level 2 all of the gangs will go after you, even if you just attacked one type of gang grunt.
OK, I officially cannot get enough of this mod and gun battles with the Morningstar never end-- it's a good thing!

Any consideration as to doing a STAG version anytime soon? I know they're in the game (in fact, someone actually released a STAG: Back in Action mod) but I can't seem to combine the two mods without the game getting all sadface at me and crashing. It'd be sweet to see STAG coming down at Level 2 and crashing the gangwar party.

Keep up the awesome work, always looking forward to more!
OK, I officially cannot get enough of this mod and gun battles with the Morningstar never end-- it's a good thing!

Any consideration as to doing a STAG version anytime soon? I know they're in the game (in fact, someone actually released a STAG: Back in Action mod) but I can't seem to combine the two mods without the game getting all sadface at me and crashing. It'd be sweet to see STAG coming down at Level 2 and crashing the gangwar party.

Keep up the awesome work, always looking forward to more!
I'll see what I can do.
Another thing i've noticed, and it kinda bothers me, is that now the pacemaker (civvie version of the peacemaker) spawns in traffic with police logos and stuff but it's driven by regular civilians and it appears in random colors. It's kinda odd but i'm not sure if you intended it or not. Also sometimes I'll find civies with the Syndicate star on the roof of their cars, like a gang car would have. I must say though, the cars with the random glowing effects are a nice touch, makes it feel like a real virtual reality type situation, similar to the virus cars in the story mode
Another thing i've noticed, and it kinda bothers me, is that now the pacemaker (civvie version of the peacemaker) spawns in traffic with police logos and stuff but it's driven by regular civilians and it appears in random colors. It's kinda odd but i'm not sure if you intended it or not. Also sometimes I'll find civies with the Syndicate star on the roof of their cars, like a gang car would have. I must say though, the cars with the random glowing effects are a nice touch, makes it feel like a real virtual reality type situation, similar to the virus cars in the story mode
Also an effect from the Fully_Customizable variant where I can't do anything with at the moment.
just install and test it , it work very nice , lots of gang member everywhere and big fight every time , just see the new stripper member :D , can you add the other genki girls too ? should be cool . Btw thanks for the mod, its very cool, keep up this good mod ;)
Ohh that's a bummer. Is there a way I can edit the files to switch it back to the default variant? Or will that mess up the cop version too?
The police car is in the files named "car_4dr_police02",
the gang cars are in the files named "truck_4dr_pickup04", "truck_4dr_pickup07", "car_4dr_compact01", "car_4dr_exoticluxury01", "car_4dr_luxury06", "suv_4dr_07", and "suv_4dr_luxury05".
Erase "<Variant>Fully_Customizable</Variant>" from all cars entries in spawn_info_groups.xtbl with those names.
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The police car is in the files named "car_4dr_police02",
the gang cars are in the files named "truck_4dr_pickup04", "truck_4dr_pickup07", "car_4dr_compact01", "car_4dr_exoticluxury01", "car_4dr_luxury06", "suv_4dr_07", and "suv_4dr_luxury05".
Erase "<Variant>Fully_Customizable</Variant>" from all cars entries in spawn_info_groups.xtbl with those names.
Awesome, thanks. will try this tommorow
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