Reasonable Body Slider Mod

Okay, hi, new here. *Inhales deeply, straining my eyes* I know this mod is fun an all, but how exactly do you know what the main directory is for Saints Row IV (FOR STEAM), also NOT saints row the third, scratch that thought out of your memories for just a couple minutes and read. This mod exists, but does it exist for the Steam Version? Where is the main directory? specific folders? The files I find are all... VPP_PC Files?

I am just entirely confused here, these mods exist, but, I am Google Searching everything, and I cannot find a single answer, anyone out there explain every ounce of detail, without a youtube video? Hope the last part isn't challenging. Thanks.
Nevermind, To the modders/moddies/players/WTFE: Add the specific files you downloaded, just simply open the Saints Row IV folder (or just drag and drop them in that folder) either way, drag, drop, I learned my lesson, they are big, NOW I GOT PEOPLE TO SMACK THEM WITH! O3O Tally-hooooooooooooooo...
Great mod!


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I combined the slider mod with some tweaks to the variables in that .xtbl that Azellz found. This is perfect!
My only complaint is that the slider mod puffs up the lips more than I'd like, but it's not severe enough to ruin anything.

OK, this is maybe a really dumb question, but, since Saints row 4 uses the same body meshes as the previous game, can I use this mod in Saints row 3?
Has anyone else run into underwear(panty) clipping problems? I noticed a lot of the underwear was clipping when I used this mod. I think my char was around 70 strength at the time, can't recall if it happened at lower settings. It doesn't seem to affect some of the panties like the shaundi one...or one of the others that has a fleur design, I forget which my char has on.

Edit - added images

2015-08-30_00001.jpg 2015-08-30_00002.jpg
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soooooo after extensive testing and experimenting with the sliders in hopes of learning how it works (unfortunately, I failed to understand how the normal maps fits into the equation) and I have come to a concrete doesn't make sense.

so you have five sliders, so a normal human being would rationally think that each slider is assigned to a different part of the characters body, from what I have learned, that's false, all of the sliders work together effecting the overall body of the character (like how when you are in the build section and mixing between fat, skinny and muscle), I learned that you can change what effect does the slider have on the character

for example, the code below is an unedited of the skinny morph slider, the "body fat -" indicates what type does the morph slider have on the character's body and the scalar indicates how much will it effect (I still don't know what nill value and the full shader value do though), so what will happen when we have some fun messing around with the code?

                <Name>body skinny</Name>
                        <Name>body fat -</Name>
                        <Name>body fat -</Name>
                        <Name>body fat -</Name>

ths result is drum roll please.........

                <Name>body fat</Name>
                        <Name>body fat -</Name>
                        <Name>body muscle</Name>
                        <Name>body muscle</Name>
                        <Name>body fat +</Name>
                        <Name>body muscle</Name>

now what you see is the modified version of the fat morph slider, this one has been finely tuned to give the female character a mix between curvy and well-toned body (unfortunately I don't have the screenshot for it but you are free to try this on your code. basically, I changed the type of effect of each slider to whatever I desire (you have three choices, fat - , fat + and muscle,), the order of each slider doesn't matter from what I have seen so far but you need to be veryyyyyy precise about the scalar part because one could dominate the other (increasing the scalar for fat + on one slider could remove the effects of another slider and you'll get one ugly character.......unless that's your intention), so you need to finely tune each one to where they all work coherently.

anyway, I hope this information has helped anyone, now if you'll excuse me, I got some more experimenting to do on my willing test subject.
*grabs the female character and leaves the forum*

I used this mod as a foundation for testing the sliders (Uzi's Dummybump SR4 Bigger Bumpers),

I tried using the second part you included but it caused the game to crash so I guess that isn't how to use that. Could you give a bit further of an explanation or upload your working player_creation please?