SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

New world space looks ok, I hope it's got some kind of comparable number of side activities and shops to the base map. I know that's a little optimistic, but I'm still happy the game is getting any new content. I had my disappointments with it, but overall liked it well enough, if they'd killed support I'd be more bitter. Continued post launch support is appreciated.

Source: https://discord.com/channels/844541900496830464/930835821572030544/1101509312481869897
Shit, wanted to throw in a few questions myself, but it turns out you have to give your phone no. to Discord to be able to speak in their shitty server. Guess I'll go fuck myself then.
Shit, wanted to throw in a few questions myself, but it turns out you have to give your phone no. to Discord to be able to speak in their shitty server. Guess I'll go fuck myself then.
That's probably intentional, they know nobody on their sane mind would give their phone number to Discord, and even if they did they would be very selective on who gets to join, all that so that nobody asks about the SR2 PC patch.