Reddit, Twitter, and Tumblr are all guilty of that. Honestly, they're the cancer of the internet.
Saints Row had always been topical. They did the 'bling gangsta' thing because that was cool back then. Then they did the dubstub thing of
SRTT and SRIV complete with memes (Kenzie: "Do a barrel roll!") because that was classic back then. So it only makes sense that they would keep with the trend here.
And look, at least we're not seeing Johnny Gat or Default Boss a deranged hermit suckling on a cow teat while bitching about how they want to die, or getting their head bashed in with a golf club by current Boss. xD

I mean, imagine the outrage then.
Johnny Gat: "Go make yourself a fucking Starbucks. We're done here."
New Boss: "You don't get to say anything." (hits him with a golf club)
New Boss: "Johnny, we need you back in the Saints!"
Johnny: *dressed as a hobo sucking on a cow's tit* "Go away! I want to die! The Saints were all horrible!"