SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

Honestly, I like the looks of what might be on the horizon, and yet it also harkens back to one of my sadder feelings about the game as a whole. It really feels like it was pushed out the door just a little too early, and seeing how they seem to be planning around letting characters like Eli evolve a bit more as the story goes on would have been nice all packed together for this reboot origin story.

As an oldhat from the modding days, I look forward to writing up some kind of weapon rebalance mod. I don't mind the shooting how it is, but I just wanna rummage around in the table files and see what I can tinker on.

Additionally, I kind of went into the new one with most of my expectations based on what I knew about the development histories of 3 and 4. I am definitely bummed to see interiors were just probably not going to be much of a thing in the open world, but not entirely surprised considering how minimal they had become outside of missions after SR2.
1. I don't like how most of their responses to open world related questions divert towards the Murder Circus.

2. "We've also created new interiors for missions."... Just leave them accessible in free roam. I don't care if I have to "teleport" to them because their not attached to the main map.

3. How come Mission Replay was possible for the first 2 games, but ever since then, "unfortunately it is not something that we can implement as we determined that technical limitations meant we wouldn't be able to deliver the experience we wanted to."... Translation: "It's not a feature we consider important enough to find a way to implement into the game, so just load a new game if you want to replay the missions."... I'll consider it if you add an option to have all extra features completed at the start so I can just play through the main story without having to grind through map completion related content every single time I want to see Snickerdoodle steal Kevin's waffles.

4. "all-new HQ for the Saints". I just pray it has an interior unlike that f*cking Saints Tower.

5. To the Answer they gave @Danny0404, Fair enough, but it would be nice to at least get a few enterable buildings in the first place. Why would I spend any amount of time going around looking at buildings I can't enter? If you want to give us an open world to explore that focuses on the outdoors, then give us a rainforest, or a tropical island, or a desolate desert. But you can't give us a populated city environment and not expect us to want to explore inside the buildings.

6. I'm curios about what they mean by "pop up stores". Does this simply mean more of those cheap ass kiosks? Or is this gonna be some limited time event based premium currency stores that either require you to grind out activities or just cheat and spend real money?

7. I don't want more f*cking wingsuit challenges. Stop hyping up the wingsuit! I like the wingsuit, and I do use the wingsuit, but it's not the easiest thing to use in challenges and events, especially if those challenges and events are timed.

8. Cheats, I guess that's a good thing. Who knows, cheats might help us find creative ways to access the mission only areas during freeroam, at least until modding is fully supported.
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There's a ton of questions and answers on their server, I only quoted a few of them
I don't know how to find their server, but I do have Discord already.

I figured it out, and these "answers" are... definitely answers... I guess.
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I don't know how to find their server, but I do have Discord already.
Ok, this is something I completely disagree with right here.

Personally, I'm going to enjoy every second of the long drive from Santo Ileso to Sunshine Springs. The scenic routes, the mesas, the big route 66 sign, the fork in the road... This is the one time I will agree with Volition when they tell me to go out and explore Santo Ileso's outdoors. But when I get to Sunshine Springs, I at least expect some of the small town's doors to be open...

(Joke) Especially a rest room after the long drive.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

They dodged the question entirely. Or they misunderstood the question somehow. That "Intercession" skill is total garbage. The Saints show up too late and don't stay with you after the combat is over. I don't see how that qualifies as having Generic Saints "follow" you. I wish they'd stop dodging this matter. Why have a crew that you can't roll with in freeroam.

The Generic Saints in SR 2006,2,TT,& IV were more than just a nameless crew, they were also your friends. They had your back when going shopping for shoes, or going to FB's, or even just hanging out at the Crib "canonising" a few new recruits.

The Saints in SRR are literal nameless nobodies that do nothing for no one. And the ones at the Crib do less than nothing, they just drink your beer and mooch off your wifi.
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