SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

Eh, if the Sanctis Pugnis didn't already exist in this one it might feel more out of place, but it seems fine for the vibe so far. Design wise it reminds me a bit of the flamethrower from SR2 a little. At least it's not a weird bee gun lol.

The Ceptic Truck would be a good returning feature, but I'd prefer a a Ceptic Gun to be honest. Or maybe both.
Why the surprise, we know it was a one year exclusive and will come to Steam exactly 365 days after its initial release.
I'm not surprised it's coming to Steam a year later. I thought maybe they wanted to release it earlier than August but I forgot about their roadmap
They legally can't release it earlier, that would be a breach of contract.
It's funny tho that first steam build was released 3 years ago
To be expected, the game was obviously being worked as a Steam release first but Deep Silver and Volition got dollar signs on their eyes and went as a timed Epic exclusive to maximize profits.
Despite the fact that they wouldn't make maximum profits because the game doesn't use Unreal, which would make the game cheaper to make.
It's normal for playtests to be on Steam even if the game is already known to be an Epic exclusive, because Epic's dollarstore application has no feature for playtesting. I wish Valve would do something against that to punish shitty publishers.