SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info


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It's official. SR22 is coming to Steam
Will be buying again for my collection
I don't know if I buy the game again. If it's the same game, wihout workshop support and requires Epic to play then nope
Looks like they don`t really listen community as was when IdolNinja was alive. But no info about EGS in Steam. Ofc they just don`t say about that. But with out normal modding soft workshop would never happen.
Just so we're all clear, it's usually not the developers choice to have add in features like that when you're a subsidiary of a larger publisher that signed a bunch of exclusivity deals.

"The devs don't listen," no, the devs were probably contractually obligated to have EGS compatibility and it's entirely out of their control.
Just so we're all clear, it's usually not the developers choice to have add in features like that when you're a subsidiary of a larger publisher that signed a bunch of exclusivity deals.

"The devs don't listen," no, the devs were probably contractually obligated to have EGS compatibility and it's entirely out of their control.
You could say this a thousand times and people still will ignore it.
Just so we're all clear, it's usually not the developers choice to have add in features like that when you're a subsidiary of a larger publisher that signed a bunch of exclusivity deals.

"The devs don't listen," no, the devs were probably contractually obligated to have EGS compatibility and it's entirely out of their control.
But it was Volition (or the parent company) who said "yes" to Epic's proposal, so they could have avoided having EGS compatibility if they just let the game release on all platforms/engines at once.

Although I guess that's easier said than done when you've got a desperate platform forcing money into your pockets at plastic spork-point, just so they'll have a new game to lure in customers.
That's just GreedSilver's doing. The devs are all well aware of EGS's shortcomings. They don't see any of that money directly since it goes to the publishers. The only effect it has on the studio os that it keeps their lights on. If AoM had been an Epic exclusive, maybe they wouldn't have had to lay off so many people.
There's also that thing about playtests happening on Steam even if the game is planned to be exclusive to Epic. EGS doesn't even have a function to allow playtests. I think it was in the SRTT remaster where some file mentioned some functions were limited on PC due to Epic. I think that was for achievements or networking, not sure.