SPOILERS Saints Row 4 Morph And Homies Mod

Hm, it works great but when I try to morph to warden using that command game crashes but by using phone doesn't crash
the same with shaundi etc


i just found out how to make head in the phone
but idk how to do it lel
it is a script that isnt loading the head
example here:
i glitched johnny gat morph and kinzie morph from the phone
look at the face
it is kinzie mixed with gat face
that means that the head needs to be loaded but the phone script isnt loading the head
so i need to find the script and edit it
but i dont know how to do it :|

here is the picture that glitched for me
and a little sneakpeek of first version :D

and heres the "sneakpeek"

little buggy (the game started to glitch out and you need to use joe morph from sandbox+_
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i just found out how to make head in the phone
but idk how to do it lel
it is a script that isnt loading the head
example here:
i glitched johnny gat morph and kinzie morph from the phone
look at the face
it is kinzie mixed with gat face
that means that the head needs to be loaded but the phone script isnt loading the head
so i need to find the script and edit it
but i dont know how to do it :|

(picture coming soon)
I think it's hardcoded so ...
I think it's hardcoded so ...
yep so it isnt possible... Maybe in modding patch

ok so im inserting the picture now

i know why some models arent working with morphing

its rig fault
johnny gat works perfectly in all clothes
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as above the mod is now warden rampage mod!
it has some more options...
sry for double post :P
im working on next mod but thats a little secret
i can say only little spoiler
gat out of hell styled sprint animation
It's an edited version of sandbox+ sr3_city.lua with a character_definitions file to give Gat the correct player animation .
Press 8 + Right to morph as Gat .
hey man i have an question
how do you change the gat rig?
i tryed to change it to shaundi but it isnt working
i compared original vs you file and original have original gat.rigx file and you one have player .rigx file