Saints Row 5 Ideas thread


playing SRV Co-op
1: hey man where youre at?
2:im at Stillwater bro, im in my Apartment
1: Shit!! im in Steelport, how am i suppose to get there?
2:just go to Steelport airport,buy a ticket and Come here
1:You can do that in SRV?
2: of course you can, you can Even go to Other Cities if you like
1: "this game is Really worth it"finally im not stuck in a single City anymore
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One thing I want them to do with the next game is keep the freaking superpowers. Come on, running around at breakneck speed, jumping buildings with a single bound, throw exploding blasts, the works is a LOT more fun than driving around and shooting things just like countless other open world games. Having to go back to that after SR4 would feel like a major step back for the series, whether the next game is a reboot or not. Now, they DO however need to add a crapton of other superpowers into the mix especially ones that have yet to really appear in video games before to keep things fresh and make it look less like a Prototype knockoff. Another thing they need to do is work on the balance, the superpowers all but completely screwed that balance and because of that it was hard to actually die in the game because you were so much more powerful than everybody else that didn't have superpowers and the enemies that did have superpowers to match you had AI too terrible to be all that intelligent about using them. This was probably the reason that most story missions in SR4 removed the superpowers, but really what they should have done is just give all the enemies superpowers after a certain point and keep ramping them up to match you. Quantity on the enemies if the developers can't make the A.I. quality good enough.

Another thing they need to keep is the over the top insanity, it's what separates Saints Row from being just another GTA clone and is ultimately the reason why I love the series. The Saint's Row series is perfectly capable of being serious and invoking emotion where it counts, but both the hilarity and seriousness are the cornerstone of the series and without it the series is nothing. One thing I'd also like for the developers to continue is keep the enemies pure evil like Zinyak. One of the most effective parts of Saint's Row 4 is that however bad The Boss and the Saints might be, Zinyak was so evil he made them look like the good guys even at their most psychopathic. I actually wanted to root for The Boss for once rather than simply laugh at his/her over the top psychopathy, something the past Saint's Row games didn't have. It was also easier to laugh at The Boss being psycho when everybody and everything he/she was killing was even more evil than him/her.

The Boss is an unrelenting sociopath, but he/she's a comically insane sociopath, and he/she is essential to the series especially the humor. Let's be honest here, even if they did make a new protagonist he/she would just end up being or becoming "The Boss" again with the serial number filed off. They should just stick with The Boss as the protagonist, it's more important that he/she has a bundle of new homies to interact with. Aside from maybe a couple of old ones they need to give new homies for The Boss to bounce their dialog off of, Shandi, Kinzie, Matt, etc. they've had enough spotlight for enough games.

As for an idea for Saint's Row 5's story and setting, I'm thinking continue where the SR4 left off with the time travel. My idea is the Saints try to use the time machine but they don't really understand how it works, (or that's what they think at first) causing The Boss to get thrown into some sort of warped time world and the Boss has to conquer it. The time world would permit the superpowers and add in some others in the real world without needing Power Armor to do it, but also give said superpowers to most of the enemies in the game. My thoughts on the time world is it would be an anagram of dozens of times and places throughout human history, Nazi Germany, Medieval Europe, Ancient Egypt, the Metazoic era, etc. all fighting to protect their own little corner of this world from the others. While I'm nowhere near qualified to actually write any of this, naturally the humor would be derived from making fun of as many different times and people in human history as possible, and the secondary bad guys would be the most evil people in human history (Hitler, Attila the Hun, Gengius Kahn, etc.). The story would early on reveal that the real bad guys are "time masters" (INSERT BETTER NAME HERE), basically Dr. Who Time Lord parodies who created the time world and trapped The Boss in it because they were trying to stop the Saints from screwing with the timeline, of course because THEY want to screw with it instead and they want to prevent the Saints from getting in their way.

That's my ideas, what does everybody think?
That's my ideas, what does everybody think?
My personal opinion:
  1. Please, no more aliens! That's been done to death in other games, of which there are plenty.
  2. Please, no more superpowers! They've gotten old, and the games without superpowers (Saints Row 1, 2, and 3) are far more interesting.
  3. Please, no more flying (except in vehicles)! It was fun in Gat Out of Hell, but that's enough.
Personally, I'd like to see them go with the premise of Enter the Dominatrix, where the whole Saints Row IV was just a movie, and the Saints were actors in the movie -- like another variation on Gangstas in Space. I mean, in Enter the Dominatrix, they are all being interviewed by Jane Valderamma, who is obviously not dead, and Zinyak is just your typical actor from another planet -- a nice guy really. So the Earth wasn't really destroyed -- it's just a movie.

But, of course, since the real Johnny Gat was in the movie, he's really alive, and that's good, but they'll have to figure out another way to explain that.

So now that they're done with the Saints Row IV movie, the Saints can get back to real life and return to Stillwater. :D
My personal opinion:
  1. Please, no more aliens! That's been done to death in other games, of which there are plenty.
  2. Please, no more superpowers! They've gotten old, and the games without superpowers (Saints Row 1, 2, and 3) are far more interesting.
  3. Please, no more flying (except in vehicles)! It was fun in Gat Out of Hell, but that's enough.
Personally, I'd like to see them go with the premise of Enter the Dominatrix, where the whole Saints Row IV was just a movie, and the Saints were actors in the movie -- like another variation on Gangstas in Space. I mean, in Enter the Dominatrix, they are all being interviewed by Jane Valderamma, who is obviously not dead, and Zinyak is just your typical actor from another planet -- a nice guy really. So the Earth wasn't really destroyed -- it's just a movie.

But, of course, since the real Johnny Gat was in the movie, he's really alive, and that's good, but they'll have to figure out another way to explain that.

So now that they're done with the Saints Row IV movie, the Saints can get back to real life and return to Stillwater. :D
1. Yeah but what will be the ennemies ? Gangs have already been used . Or if the Earth is not destroyed, the Boss really became the president and the USA is in war with another country because of him ?
2. I wouldn't say no more, just don't make them that powerful . It's nearly impossible to die in SRIV with them . Like just put some fall damage and the game will already be much harder .

Yeah but, Enter the Dominatrix takes place in an alternate story, the original SRIV story . That's why Jane Valderamma is alive and Zinyak is a nice guy .
But about Johnny Gat, if we take your story, he could have jump off the plane at the very last moment and was lost in the sea ? Or he survived the plane crash and was in hospital all the time but the Saints didn't knew it ? Or after the plane crash, he thought the Boss and Shaundi were back in Stilwater so he went to Stilwater ?
2. I wouldn't say no more, just don't make them that powerful . It's nearly impossible to die in SRIV with them . Like just put some fall damage and the game will already be much harder .
Like I said, the real problem with the superpowers is not how powerful they are but the really poor balancing by the developers. The enemies in SR4 are simply too weak and the A.I. too stupid to keep up with a player that has superpowers by a long shot. The superpowers making the game easy really wouldn't be an issue if just about all enemies had them as well, I mean, if every enemy in SR4 was basically a somewhat weaker version of the Wardens and there were dozens of them then the game would give anybody a challenge.
Honestly, it'd be nice if Saints Row V was a prequel - it could take place either between Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third or even before Saints Row 1 events.

In the first case it could just continue Saints Row 2 style with the cast from previous games and explain some plot holes from The Third (i.e. Laura and Tobias death, WHAT HAPPENED TO DEX) on occasion.

In the second case they could make Julius, Dex or (*cough* cliche *cough*) Johnny Gat a protagonist - it'd be nice to see how Saints got created and started gaining strength. Or they could flip this idea and make you play as Benjamin King, telling you a story of the Vice Kings and how Ben split with Julius. It'd be even more interesting, I think. :D

They could go in a completely different way as well - they could put Troy as a protagonist and create a game where you'd have to infiltrate Saints for Stilwater police as an undercover cop. It'd be much better idea than this one because it'd have some good storyline background. :p

There are so many possibilities...
...yeah, they'll go with this time travel sci-fi crap anyway, why I'm even wasting my time on this. :v
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Honestly, it'd be nice if Saints Row V was a prequel - it could take place either between Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third or even before Saints Row 1 events.

In the first case it could just continue Saints Row 2 style with the cast from previous games and explain some plot holes from The Third (i.e. Laura and Tobias death, WHAT HAPPENED TO DEX) on occasion.

In the second case they could make Julius, Dex or (*cough* cliche *cough*) Johnny Gat a protagonist - it'd be nice to see how Saints got created and started gaining strength. Or they could flip this idea and make you play as Benjamin King, telling you a story of the Vice Kings and how Ben split with Julius. It'd be even more interesting, I think. :D

They could go in a completely different way as well - they could put Troy as a protagonist and create a game where you'd have to infiltrate Saints for Stilwater police as an undercover cop. It'd be much better idea than this one because it'd have some good storyline background. :p

There are so many possibilities...
...yeah, they'll go with this time travel sci-fi crap anyway, why I'm even wasting my time on this. :v
While I love the ideas the main issue is the same one that killed GOOH for a lot of people. No character customization. So from a plot and gameplay standpoint wouldn't it make more sense for the new protag to be a Vice Kings recruit (VK Origin Story taking place in the 70's), Saints Recruit (Saints Origin Story taking place in the 70's, 80's or 90's) or a generic Stilwater cop? (True Crime type game that takes place in the late 2000's)
Honestly, it'd be nice if Saints Row V was a prequel - it could take place either between Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third or even before Saints Row 1 events.

In the first case it could just continue Saints Row 2 style with the cast from previous games and explain some plot holes from The Third (i.e. Laura and Tobias death, WHAT HAPPENED TO DEX) on occasion.

In the second case they could make Julius, Dex or (*cough* cliche *cough*) Johnny Gat a protagonist - it'd be nice to see how Saints got created and started gaining strength. Or they could flip this idea and make you play as Benjamin King, telling you a story of the Vice Kings and how Ben split with Julius. It'd be even more interesting, I think. :D

They could go in a completely different way as well - they could put Troy as a protagonist and create a game where you'd have to infiltrate Saints for Stilwater police as an undercover cop. It'd be much better idea than this one because it'd have some good storyline background. :p

There are so many possibilities...
...yeah, they'll go with this time travel sci-fi crap anyway, why I'm even wasting my time on this. :v
I want a option to choose any ingame character then customize the clothes
use johnny gat and now i can select trought some clothes from sr2/3/4 and new clothes featuring gat out of hell johnny costume , space ship costume and super johnny gat costume
or use shaundi as a character and now i can select the same clothes but now i can get space suit , future shaundi suit , sr2 shaundi suit and supershaundi suit and maybe add option to cycle faces from sr2 and sr3/4