SRIV Saints Row IV press preview followup

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Oh thanks, I was just curious, because I play it on PS3 . Oh and a question related to SR IV, do you think they'll release new trailers until the game comes out ? And don't you think that they're showing too much of the game ? I mean, look at GTA V, they've only released 1 gameplay trailer, they want the fans to be excited and fully surprised when the game comes out . You think Deep Silver is doing the right thing, showing us so many gameplays and trailers ?

There is a ton of stuff that hasn't been revealed yet.
Is toggling of upgrades something that appears to be moddable in your opinion? As in, not obscenely time-consuming or convoluted?

It's too early to tell. From what I've seen it looks to be similar to how the SRTT upgrades worked.
Aw. Sad to hear that they haven't tweaked the implementation of the upgrades. Definitely one of the things at the top of my wish list. Well here's hoping all of the other good stuff you mentioned is enough.
Any changes to car customization in Saints IV? And do you know if gang car customization is returning?

Looked like a lot of new car customization options. I did not see any gang customization stuff at all. It wasn't in the preview build, but that doesn't mean it's cut.
Thank you for sharing the information as always :)

I'm glad that Saints Book is like a quests system in RPGs games. Play it to unlock stuff which adds more content to the game which is great.

I do agree with you that it just need more places to visit and going inside buildings and explore hoping to find secrets or something like that. I do like the shopping mall in SR2.
No KRhyme ? o:
Each weapon costume has anywhere from 2-4 skins. These are things like decals, gold plating, etc.

Vehicles handled the same as SRTT, maybe a bit more responsive... maybe. It's hard to tell.

Nothing else new in character customization that I saw other than the voice pitch slider and new tattoos.

Upgrades will let you jump higher and run faster.

The black hole gun wasn't in the preview build, but I did play it in LA. Check my original article (linked at the top of this one) for more details on it.

I did not see any gang customization, but the area that it would have been in was really alpha and kind of broken where half the menus either didn't work or crashed the game. That was in LA btw. The preview build didn't have your actual crib in it so I couldn't check.

I only saw the Tornado and Eagle, but not a Vulture.
Ditto: I didn't see the Vulture either.
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