Sandbox+ for SRTT

I have supposed that for Deckers barge and Ho boat, and so I have an ultimate noobish question: what is supposed to change activating that two states? I was on a VTOL when I have actived them, and I haven't seen any apparent change.

The zone is loaded that has them. The teleport there also loads the zone, so you can go there and try it.
And what i wanted to ask is... is this mod playable in Co-op? i have try it with a friend but it said invalid value... can you try it to fix that? Or any method what i can do to fix it...
And what i wanted to ask is... is this mod playable in Co-op? i have try it with a friend but it said invalid value... can you try it to fix that? Or any method what i can do to fix it...

There is no way for the remote player to use commands due to the script that thread is running in. You can enable it so the host commands also process on the client too. For example, when the host activates super powers then both players get them, but there is no way for the client to initiate that. Volition has actually confirmed that there isn't any other script or way to make it work that they know of.
but when you say that when the host activate the saints flow mode... we tried it i cant run fast and cant shoot kame-hame-ha

Did the host first activate the command so that both players can use it?
8 + PGDOWN = Toggle if commands process for only the host (default) or if they also affect remote coop player

Do you own the Trouble with Clones DLC? Superpowers will only work if you do, as noted in the known issues file that comes with the mod.
i have do the control changes... i have SEMICOLON changed to M but it does work... if i press X + M(normal SEMICOLON) should i teleported to the KIllbane live interview place... Nothing happend...

#EDIT i9 forgott to reset the keybinds to default :X sorry...
I have just found a very amusing glitch in the superpowers mode for the sandbox. If you press the fireball button and then immediately hold the super punch button it does double the damage and also shows the comic blurbs when someone is close enough to you. BUT it never shows the punch. XD I don't know if this is a known thing or not, but it certainly is useful and funny.

EDIT 2: Ahem! After a little bit of toying around with it i figured out you have to punch someone first to make sure the blurbs are showing up. Then you also have to make sure your hands come in contact with someone for it to happen from throwing fireball/punch at same time. The results of toying with it more confirmed that it makes the fireball do MUCH more damage. If you hit someone point blank with said fireball, they explode into a pile of meat. Which is very satisfying!

PS: Would it be possible to merge the two into one action for the fireball so that it might be useful again like it was in TwC?

PPS: I just noticed things might also fly a little further away when hit by this "super" fireball.
Just want to say a HUGE thank you for creating this mod compilation. It all works flawlessly with the exception of the 'ride as passenger' section.
It worked fine on usual Saints NPCs and CheapyD, but it doesn't seem to work with Peirce, Shaundi or other 'named' followers. I just keep getting the 'followers teleported to your car' message, and if I have Shaundi with me as a follower she has a strange morphing bug as she teleports into the car (nothing serious, it's just amusing.)
Also, for the 'missions on-foot radio station' would it be possible to have the DLC music activated for users who own them? I want the Sexy Kitten Yarngasm music on my on-foot radio. :D

PS. Is there no way for me to get some STAG troops on board the Thermopylae Interior? Like a spawn code of some kind?

Thanks again! You guys rock!
I'll look into the named homie ride as passenger bug. That was actually BadMadScientist's code and I pretty much just dumped it right in without looking at it much. I'll probably bring him in on trying to fix it.

The DLC music on-foot is a great idea. I'll see what I can do with that.

Unfortunately there is no way to spawn in npcs like that with this mod. It would take actual edits to the zone files and we don't have tools (yet.)