okay, i copy that words to "sr3_city.lua" and what keys press to do that? I press B,\ but nothing change.
It is X + End and X + Delete.
okay, i copy that words to "sr3_city.lua" and what keys press to do that? I press B,\ but nothing change.
Little update on issues: Z commands works, only key who won't work is the \
no it doesn't still just walking and running no more animations
elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_END) and not TAUNT_PUSHED then
city_zone_swap("ThermInt1", true) -- swap in the Therm interior just in case
local tposx,tposy,tposz = (493.034 - Dock_Posx), (1669.206 - Dock_Posy), 320.755
teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Dock_Purchase", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
sandboxplus_message("Teleported to Thermopylae Interior")
If you guys/girls want to walk around on the floor in the Foyer from the mission "STAG Party" here you go.
Code:elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_PGUP) and not TAUNT_PUSHED then --TELEPORT SAINTS HQ FOYER local tposx,tposy,tposz = (98.495 - Dock_Posx), (1041.445 - Dock_Posy), 24.131 teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Dock_Purchase", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false) sandboxplus_message("Teleported to Saints HQ Foyer") TAUNT_PUSHED = true
Two more great locations:
Thermopylae Interior (Warning: If you want to exit to Main Menu Teleport to another location as it will crash the game)
Code:elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_END) and not TAUNT_PUSHED then[/S][/S][/S] [S][S][S] --TELEPORT TO THERMOPYLAE INTERIOR[/S][/S][/S] [S][S][S] local tposx,tposy,tposz = (493.034 - Dock_Posx), (1669.206 - Dock_Posy), 320.755[/S][/S][/S] [S][S][S] teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Dock_Purchase", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)[/S][/S][/S] [S][S][S] sandboxplus_message("Teleported to Thermopylae Interior")[/S][/S][/S] [S][S][S] TAUNT_PUSHED = true
STAG Building Offices (The place where you abduct Josh Birk)
Code:elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_DELETE) and not TAUNT_PUSHED then --TELEPORT TO STAG BUILDING OFFICES local tposx,tposy,tposz = (-420.021 - Dock_Posx), (-71.462 - Dock_Posy), 26.005 teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Dock_Purchase", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false) sandboxplus_message("Teleported to STAG Building Offices") TAUNT_PUSHED = true
Oh, guys. You are SO GREAT!Thanks to everyone testing things out and reporting on issues. Also, thanks to Retrogangster for the extra teleports. Just tested them out now and they work great! One thing I did add was to force load the Therm interior zone before teleporting. I figured I would mention it for future additions. That way the player doesn't teleport out to nothingness or inside geometry.
Here's the revised version:
Code:elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_END) and not TAUNT_PUSHED then --TELEPORT TO THERMOPYLAE INTERIOR city_zone_swap("ThermInt1", true) -- swap in the Therm interior just in case local tposx,tposy,tposz = (493.034 - Dock_Posx), (1669.206 - Dock_Posy), 320.755 teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "Dock_Purchase", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false) sandboxplus_message("Teleported to Thermopylae Interior") TAUNT_PUSHED = true
also there is somewhere in the script for Mission 17: My Name is Cryus Temple that stops you getting the 3 Shield Notoriety level which I have been researching for the last past days.