Sandbox+ for SRTT

Holy crap, that was super fast. You must have been truly bored out your mind :) Thank you very much. I'll test it as soon as I find time to play tomorrow.
Today I will public Beta 2. I will remove unnecessary things from "sr3_city.lua" and enable tutorial (because in Sandbox+ it is disabled as default).
Day/Night Cycle Beta 2 Released!
Day/Night Cycle Changelog said:
* Enabled tutorial as default.
* Removed unnecessary things from "sr3_city.lua".
* Changed keybinds for commands.
Links to older versions:


Day/Night Cycle Beta 2 Released!

Just tested the shortcuts and the morning transition in Beta 2. Everything seems to work perfect, thank you very much. The only thing this feature needs now (both in standalone and in S+) is additional times of day that would make the current transitions look a bit less rapid.

What complications can be expected from simply adding and triggering new transitional types with averaged lighting conditions ("night-sunrise", "noon-sunset")? I'm very new to .xtbl editing, so I only have a very vague idea about what the number of changes it would require. From the look of it, they'd also need their own weather_time_of_day entries, etc., but what about their effect on mob AI and spawn rates, and so on? Any idea?
We've already tried it and it's simply just not possible. First of all, any additional time slices/transitions (even one entry) will break spawning. The streets will be deserted. Second, you can only add a handful of transitions in total before it causes the game to crash on load. I believe it was something like 35 entries which only left less than 10 transitions for each time change. With such a limited number, the effect is extremely jarring.
Damn, I hoped we had a chance to see fully dynamic day-night cycles one day. But anyway, what you have now is still far better than the never-ending days and nights from vanilla. Thanks again to both of you.
Sandbox+ .51 alpha released! See the OP for download.

Fixed issue where sound fx begin to cut out after ~30 minutes of play. If you continue to experience sound problems even after updating, simply delete the audio_banks.xtbl that came with the mod from the root of your SRTT install. This will also remove the ability to listen to mission music while on foot (G + DOWN) but the rest of the on-foot radio, commercials, and news stations should be unaffected by its removal.)

New Sandbox+ commands courtesy of BadMadScientist:
CTRL + UP = Toggle Player and followers dancing (also works in cars!)
CTRL + END = Immediately revive all downed homies
R + LBRACKET = Cycle follower weapons (gang, police, laser, unarmed)
R + RBRACKET = Toggle insane followers (followers will aggressively attack all pedestrians)
R + SEMICOLON = Carry follower over shoulder
F + PGDOWN = Cycle passenger modes where followers drive you around

Please note that this release includes a new preload_anim.vpp_pc archive that goes in your /cache folder and replaces the original. This will preload the animations for carrying a follower over your shoulder. The readme has additional details on where exactly to extract this new file.
Just got the HUD toggle working :)

Attached new script with it working in case anyone wants to try it out.
8 + ; = Toggle HUD on/off

