Sandbox+ for SRTT

See, the thing is, I really can't have any potentially game destroying (immersion-wise) shortcuts at my fingertips, especially when I'm playing co-op with a younger, immature co-op partner. Some of us don't have the willpower not to cheat, especially in exasperation that can often come after some silly wipe; and our aim is to create as lengthy, difficult and immersive playthrough as humanly possible. As an optimization freak, I also abhor the idea of installing and co-running a hundred features only to ever use one of them. It's just slow and inefficient. Again, you could just dismiss people me out of hand, but I'm sure I'm not alone in the desire of having just the cycle mod that you can match and mix with anything else. Lots of other people seemed excited by that earlier thread. It just looked like a such a great idea for a standalone mod.

I understand that you may not want to waste your time on separating the code now, but you originally created the cycle mod without merging it with other Sandbox+ features, did you not? Do you happen to have any of the earlier files that has less extra code in them? If you do, I'd really appreciate you if you could share them or any information you have on this with us. That would save me a lot of time trying to reverse engineer your S+ code and re-invent the wheel for myself. Thanks.
I can separate Day/Night cycle (because I am sooooo bored ;)). But IdolNinja must give me permission first.
I can separate Day/Night cycle (because I am sooooo bored ;)). But IdolNinja must give me permission first. So, IdolNinja, can I?

Knock yourself out. Just make sure to attach the crippled version to this thread rather than creating a new one. Also, I will not support it in any way if issues arise from its use.
Knock yourself out. Just make sure to attach the crippled version to this thread rather than creating a new one. Also, I will not support it in any way if issues arise from its use.
Thanks for giving permission! Now I have something to do! :D I will release Day/Night cycle tomorrow or one day after. ;)
Thanks, Fan of Saints. And, IdolNinja, you should loosen up a little. You seem stressed.

So, the guy with no willpower who is so anal that he can't stop himself from using a keyboard shortcut is telling me to loosen up? Really? Can't you just be happy that you're getting what you want instead of taking a jab at me?
Thanks, Fan of Saints. And, IdolNinja, you should loosen up a little. You seem stressed.

Probably I shouldn't reply to that but, I'm sorry, I just can't go past this one: a guy who doesn't like to play a video game with more option than he's provided by someone else (or more specifically: a guy who doesn't like to play that way so much that he needs to have that comfortable feeling of not being in control of features he doesn't will to use) is telling the creator of this mod to "loosen up"?
Let's just say that I'm perfectly happy for getting what I asked for, and, regardless on my views on Sandbox+, I still consider IdolNinja a great modder who were the only one who bothered to implement the thing in the first place. This way we'll all stay friends, and it will save you some thread space as a bonus.
Day/Night Cycle Beta 1 Released!
Day/Night Cycle Readme said:
Day/Night Cycle Install Instructions

1. Copy the following 3 files in this archive to your SRTT install folder with the exe:

* NOTE: The Day/Night Cycle sr3_city.lua contains all of the mission replay functions so it is safe to overwrite it with this one

2. Run the game, go to the OPTIONS menu and select CONTROLS then select SET KEYS & BUTTONS. Press F1 to RESTORE DEFAULTS ALL CATEGORIES
* NOTE Doing this will set new bind options for combinations listed below. You can then safely reconfigure any of your keys to personal preference as long as your custom binds don't use any of the 2nd key parameters (INSERT, HOME, PGUP, DELETE, END, PGDOWN, UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT arrows, [, ], or ;)

3. To use while in game, hold down the first key, then also hold down the second key as well until the command executes. There may be a .5 second delay until it actually activates. Also, for some commands you will need to fully release both keys before activating a new one.


SHIFT + INSERT = Toggle Day Night Cycle on/off
SHIFT + HOME = Show Gametime
SHIFT + PGUP = Toggle commands's HUD message display and audio cues on/off

* NOTE: Day/Night Cycle is enabled as default.

Actually, I denoted all keybinds except that, what I wrote above, by --UNUSED comment. ;)


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Holy crap, that was super fast. You must have been truly bored out your mind :) Thank you very much. I'll test it as soon as I find time to play tomorrow.