One of the big problems with the superpowers is that the effects are only loaded with the DLC mission itself and not in the open world. In fact, accessing DLC assets outside of the missions is something that none of us have been able to do successfully. The decker specialist fx you see are a substitution by necessity, as nothing else will actually work (so far.) You should be able to see them activating behind you just fine while you're running though. At least they look fine to me.
If you had read my Steam profile you would have seen the big warning that I do not accept blind friend invites. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I get up to 10 of them per day from random people who have historically wanted me to:
A. Help them with something
B. Make a million requests for features that aren't possible or are weird/perverted
C. Spout creepy hero worship telling me I'm a god of modding and other such nonsense
D. Spout hate filled diatribes on what an asshole I am for any number of reasons (usually my hardline stance against piracy)
E. Try to communicate with me in a foreign language that I don't understand
F. Want to join the Gentlemen of the Row group, not understanding or accepting that it's a private group for Penny Arcade
G. Tell me to "MAK MOD WERK ON XBOX"
H. Try to convince me to make mods work with pirated versions
I. Send me creepy half-naked pics of themselves. I'm seriously not making this up.
First of all, I simply don't have time to deal with any of that. Secondly, my friends list is currently almost maxed out with the actual people I know and play with online from penny arcade and something awful.
So, that's the reason why I ignored your invite. I'm not saying you fall into any of those categories, and I am always happy to help anyone posting here on this forum with their questions or problems. There is also the
Gentlemen of Steelport Steam group chat which I idle in 24/7 along with Minimaul, Corrodias, Evangel, and a few other modders off and on. If you do join chat, make sure to actually type something; even simply "hello". Most of the time we're inactive and only see the taskbar chat flash when someone types something. i.e. a join or disconnect doesn't visually update.