Sandbox+ for SRTT

Ok any tips on where to start looking for said tables?

Not offhand, no. You would be better off posting in either the Mod Request or Get Help/Troubleshooting subforum.
Hey, IdolNinja, THANK YOU! I just wanted to let you know that this mod made it possible for me to change the Saints Power Plant back to the original Deckers Power Plant! Thank you so much for that. I just pressed the key combination and literally saw it dissapearing in the distance xp Just wow, amazing mod, thanks again!
`Oh one thing i forgot to ask when using the team changer would it be possible to add "Civilian" to the list of teams as well?

It doesn't work. I've already tried with the other teams like civs and mascots, etc.
So to make this works i need to reset my key settings, right?
And after i've done it, can i still rebind them how i like? Or i'll be forced to use the default-ones?
Yes, you must reset them for the new bindings to work. Afterward, you should be able to set any custom keys you want though.
Thanks, this is loads of fun! Especially the superpowers bit, combined with the Sad Panda freefall physics from GoS. It would be amazing if there was also a shortcut to jump 500m up into the air or something like that. You could pretty much freely fly around the city then, in true superhero fashion.
Thanks, this is loads of fun! Especially the superpowers bit, combined with the Sad Panda freefall physics from GoS. It would be amazing if there was also a shortcut to jump 500m up into the air or something like that. You could pretty much freely fly around the city then, in true superhero fashion.

I wish we could. Jump height seems to be about the only thing missing from the table files that we can't change. It's really weird.
Piracy? If you cracked that hardcoded .exe while you have a steamworks which you bought it's not piracy.