Sandbox+ for SRTT

Hello, The mod works perfectly expect for Z(recruit/dismiss) teleports. Nothing happen.

What's wrong ?? Thanks.

Do you perhaps have it remapped to a different key? Does actual recruiting still work with Z?
I didn't change this key.

Does actual recruiting still work with Z? >> This or without the mod, the only thing that I can do by pressing "Z" is walk.
I didn't change this key.

Does actual recruiting still work with Z? >> This or without the mod, the only thing that I can do by pressing "Z" is walk.

Caps lock should be your walk toggle by default. So, you somehow did manage to remap it. You need to check your control config and see what key you actually have it mapped to and either switch it, or just use that one as your pivot key instead of Z.
Hi guys , first thanks for the mod , you are the best , all the keys works perfectly , exept all the key combinaison with INSERT.

When i push the key combinaison for have super power (Ctrl+Insert) , my game freeze and when i go to paint i have take screen...

How i can change this key ? Please help me , cordialy.
Hi guys , first thanks for the mod , you are the best , all the keys works perfectly , exept all the key combinaison with INSERT.

When i push the key combinaison for have super power (Ctrl+Insert) , my game freeze and when i go to paint i have take screen...

How i can change this key ? Please help me , cordialy.

First of all, do you own the Trouble with Clones dlc? As stated in the known issues, you cannot use superpowers without it. Do other key combinations that use INSERT work correctly? Like, say, SHIFT + INSERT?
Right click on the game in your Steam library and choose "View Downloadable Content."

Have you tried using those other keys combos directly after a restart of the game? Once you try to use CTRL + INSERT it breaks the entire script if you don't own the dlc. So, I'm wondering if you have restarted the game and then the first keycombo you try is a different one. i.e. SHIFT + INSERT.

Also, the OP has info on how to change keys to whatever you want. You can use that to pick a different key other than INSERT if it does actually turn out to be a problem.
Ok thanks , its just i dont have the DLC because when i use Ctrl+Insert , i have an explosion and others keys dont workd . ! Thanks for very speed respond .
I don't understand... in game I looked in commands menu and I changed the "Z" key to "&" key in order to make the character walk, so now, the "Z" key correspond to anything.

In the control_binding_sets file, the "Z" key correspond to <Action>CBA_GAC_RECRUIT_DISMISS</Action> only.
The control_binding_sets table doesn't actually DO anything unless you restore your keys to default. So, you need to ignore that for right now.

What you need to do is look in your bindings in-game for the recruit/dismiss key and bind it to something... anything... whatever you want. THAT key will be the pivot key that you use with Sandbox+. Stop thinking of it as Z. Think of it was whatever you have bound to recruit/dismiss.

Or you could just avoid all this stuff, by resetting your keys to default by following the sandbox+ instructions which should fix everything.