hey. well i think i screwed up with the default district file, but i noticed something interesting for those of u out there that want that naturaly day cycle.... basically my error in trying to do this tonight, was only an error in modifying the default district somewhere, the default global & lua stuff worked perfect, but when i loaded up the game the entire sky was white, & if i walk outside, it dims to complete blackness.... i switched between my alt times flawlessly as the game displayed the sandbox+ message & i could see what little lighting there was change, but it was still all whiteness, nothingness, but as u said, its still trying to base everything on the time of day its based on.... well here's the thing, & maybe this was know already, but if so, u should be able to do those natural actual light cycle transitions from day to night that people want.... in my troubleshooting what i did wrong, the first thimg i did was ONLY remove default districts, now when i hit my keystroke for my "sunset based" time (i used 11 which was 550 - my attempts were to use the settings from shitface alt times of day mod, but it doesnt matter there, the error is surely something simple in my syntax in copy & pasting.) but ANYWAY, since i removed the def dist, now the lighting & everything is back the way it normally is, however, when changing to "sunset time" its not actually just giving me a "sunset window" of one of 4 windows, being morning, noon, sunset, & night, it actually went ahead & adjusted the actual lighting to what it would be 1 hour later. i know this, as i've been doing lots of video in the game, & photography is a hobby, & i love my lighting & screenshots, so i KNOW the sunset lighting & EXACTLY where the sun goes in the sky during regular "sunset." it doesnt hang right above the water on the horizon, its up a little bit. but by selecting the "1-hour later" keystroke, the sun is now RIGHT on the horizon angling lighting horizontally more & a beautiful ocean sunset view, that isnt in the regular times.... so those times are dynamic.... if something were to add additional points for every hour or whatever, & cycle thru them, u could literally watch the sun go across the sky & transition naturally into nighttime & back again....
i only thought this might not be known, becuz i remember someone mentioning about the smooth natural transitions from day to night or something like that was getting in the way of the cycle that everyone requests.... i actually like the static times, but i'm well aware im in the minority there, & when i first played the game front to back i probably would have enjoyed the regular typical cycle. but anyways, just a heads up on that end. i'll see where i screwed up the default district now.