Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

V1.9.8 is coming on Sunday! Huge thanks to yukichigai and his All Homies Superpowered mod which gave me idea to create these upgrades. :)
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Help i've uninstalled your mod recently and lost ability to customize my gang members in any gateway, tried the patch not sure ive installed it correctly should just re install the mod
Help i've uninstalled your mod recently and lost ability to customize my gang members in any gateway, tried the patch not sure ive installed it correctly should just re install the mod
Try to install the original mod, apply gang customization patch, save the game and then remove the mod with the uninstaller.
Try to install the original mod, apply gang customization patch, save the game and then remove the mod with the uninstaller.
The isnt effecting the game either way before after un/installing the mod, am i installing the patch correctly does it go in a certain folder


  • Screenshot.png
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The isnt effecting the game either way before after un/installing the mod, am i installing the patch correctly does it go in a certain folder
Hm, perhaps it needs to be set as automatic unlock. Check if this version works, just replace old 'unlockables.xtbl' with it.
UPDATE: This fix has been included in V1.9.8.
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Ladies and gentlemen, V1.9.8 has been released! I'm running out of ideas for this mod, actually, right now only two things on my list are Russian translation and porting this mod to the new modding format.

  • Fixed missing gang customization issue. I've removed unlockable which enabled it along with unused SR:TT upgrades in V1.9.7, oops. :oops:
  • Fixed buying DLC weapons in the store feature. It looks like all weapons from DLC archives were still unlocked after 'The Real World' mission and only ones which were in the vanilla files already worked properly. Too late, I guess, but better late than never.
  • Restored unused SR:TT gang customization options as buyable upgrades. You can now have Deckers, Luchadores and Morningstar in your gang for only 1000$ per each! Check 'Customization' tab in upgrades menu in your HUB.
  • Added super homie upgrades to all non-superpowered homies (including DLC homies). You can buy them for only 50 000$ in 'Homies' tab in upgrades menu in your HUB! Does not apply to homies with loyality missions. Huge thanks to yukichigai and his All Homies Superpowered mod for the idea and the list of non-superpowered homies.
  • Replaced Nyte Blayde homie from Enter the Dominatrix with unused Mayor Pierce. Josh Birk becomes Nyte Blayde after buying his super homie upgrade so I've decided to make a use of this entry.
  • Santa Claus homie from How The Saints Saved Christmas has now proper 'strong' model instead of 'medium' one. This change has been ported from hoeward's HTSSC - Model Swap.
  • Updated the uninstaller. All files added in this version have been added to the list.
Unfortunately, backup homies (like Saints Backup, Super Saints Backup or Genki Backup) don't have super homie upgrades because they just don't work with them. Also, you won't be able to call How The Saints Saved Christmas homies if you're using shitface's NPC Behaviour because the game will crash (you can still call Enter the Dominatrix ones without any issues though).